The Tinguian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Tinguian.

The Tinguian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Tinguian.

   Da-num di la-od kom-mog-nod ket kom-mog-nod
    Kom-mog-nod ta kom-mog-nod danum di la-od. 
   Dagsi-yan di Pa-la-wang ko-ma ta sum-mi na-wang
    si-na-wang ta si-na-wang ko-ma ta sum-mi-na-wang. 
   Dagsi-yan di Langiden mi-ka si-li si-li-ten
    sili-ten ta si-li-ten dag-si-yan di Lang-i-den. 
   Dagsi-yan di Ka-ba-lang-gan na-kal kalong go-kong-an
    ga-kong-an taga-kong-an na-kal ka-long ga-kong-an. 
   Danum di Pa-da-ngi-tan ki-na-dang ta ka-witan
    ka-wi-tan ta ka-wi-tan ki-na-dang ta ka-wi-tan. 
   Dag-si-yan di Lai-og-an nan-gol la-ol la-yo-san
    la-yo-san ta la-yo-san o-mal-la al-lo-yo-san. 
   Danum di Abang sum-mol-wai ta sum-mol-wai
    Sum-mol-wai ta sum-mol-wai da-num di A-bang. 
   Danum di Abas inum-bas ket inum-bas
    inum-bas ta i-num-bas da-num di A-bas. 
   Danum di Ba-ai nag-kat-lo nga sa-long-ai
    Sa-long-ai ta sa-long-ai nag-kat-lo nga sa-long-ai. 
   Danum di Da-ya nag-kil-la-yos nga si-pa
    Si-ni-pa ta si-ni-pa nag-kil-la-yos nga sipa. 
   Danum di ngato ti-nung-dai ta a-nito
    A-nito ta a-nito ti-nun-dai ta a-nito. 
   Danum di aging ti-nung-dai ta ka-la-ding
    Ka-lad-ing ta ka-la-ding ti-nung-dai ta ka-la-ding. 
   Danum di A-yeng ti-nung-dai ta ba-yeng-yeng
    ba-yeng-yeng ta ba-yeng-yeng ti-nung-dai ta ba-yeng-yeng. 
   Adi ka-pai man-gi-mon na-sal-li-bon ai bo-bon
    bin-no-bon ta bin-no-bon na-sal-li-bon ai bo-bon.

Approximate Translation of the Da-Eng [251]


   The Malanus flows. 
    Flows, flows, flows onward. 
   Si (Mr.) On-na-i and Na-to-tan dig obi (taro) with their hands. 
    Dig, dig, dig with the hands. 
   The firefly in the woods opens his eyes. 
    Opens, opens, opens his eyes. 
   The bank caves into the river. 
    Caves, caves, caves in. 
   Here, your arm pretty bamboo (?)
    Bamboo, bamboo, pretty bamboo. 
   Do not disturb the rest of the kabibinan (a bird). 
    Disturb, disturb, do not disturb. 
   Help the kolat (a plant) to grow. 
    Become kolat, become kolat, stir up to become kolat. 
   The flower of the Amogawen falls on you. 
    On you, on you, falls on you. 
   The flower of the Ana-an plays with you. 
    Plays, plays, it plays.


   The young leaves of the coconut wave. 
    Wave, wave, they wave. 
   The leaves of the aba are not alike. 
    Alike, alike, are not alike. 
   The leaves of the nonang turn back and forth. 
    Back and forth, back and forth, turn back and forth. 
   The leaves of the lamay quake. 
    Quake, quake, they quake. 
   The leaves of the bangon arise(?). 
    Arise, arise, they arise. 
   The leaves of the rattan cut and twist. 
    Twist, twist, cut, and twist. 

Project Gutenberg
The Tinguian from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.