Two Ghostly Mysteries eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Two Ghostly Mysteries.

Two Ghostly Mysteries eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Two Ghostly Mysteries.
has been attended with no difficulty and little responsibility; indeed, he is accountable for nothing more than an alteration in the names of persons mentioned therein, when such a step seemed necessary, and for an occasional note, whenever he conceived it possible, innocently, to edge in a word.  These tales have been written down, as the heading of each announces, by the Rev. Francis Purcell, P.P. of Drumcoolagh; and in all the instances, which are many, in which the present writer has had an opportunity of comparing the manuscript of his departed friend with the actual traditions which are current amongst the families whose fortunes they pretend to illustrate, he has uniformly found that whatever of supernatural occurred in the story, so far from having been exaggerated by him, had been rather softened down, and, wherever it could be attempted, accounted for.]


    “And they lay wait for their own blood:  they lurk privily for
    their own lives.

    “So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh
    away the life of the owner thereof.”

This story of the Irish peerage is written, as nearly as possible, in the very words in which it was related by its “heroine,” the late Countess D——­, and is therefore told in the first person.

My mother died when I was an infant, and of her I have no recollection, even the faintest.  By her death my education was left solely to the direction of my surviving parent.  He entered upon his task with a stern appreciation of the responsibility thus cast upon him.  My religious instruction was prosecuted with an almost exaggerated anxiety; and I had, of course, the best masters to perfect me in all those accomplishments which my station and wealth might seem to require.  My father was what is called an oddity, and his treatment of me, though uniformly kind, was governed less by affection and tenderness, than by a high and unbending sense of duty.  Indeed I seldom saw or spoke to him except at meal-times, and then, though gentle, he was usually reserved and gloomy.  His leisure hours, which were many, were passed either in his study or in solitary walks; in short, he seemed to take no further interest in my happiness or improvement, than a conscientious regard to the discharge of his own duty would seem to impose.

Shortly before my birth an event occurred which had contributed much to induce and to confirm my father’s unsocial habits; it was the fact that a suspicion of murder had fallen upon his younger brother, though not sufficiently definite to lead to any public proceedings, yet strong enough to ruin him in public opinion.  This disgraceful and dreadful doubt cast upon the family name, my father felt deeply and bitterly, and not the less so that he himself was thoroughly convinced of his brother’s innocence.  The sincerity and strength of this conviction he shortly afterwards proved in a manner which produced the catastrophe of my story.

Project Gutenberg
Two Ghostly Mysteries from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.