Abraham Lincoln, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln, Volume II.

Abraham Lincoln, Volume II eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln, Volume II.

  denounced by Illinois legislature, see vol. i.;
  disapprove emancipation with compensation;
  wish to induce Lincoln to join them;
  unpopular at North;
  difference of Lincoln from;
  refuse to support Lincoln in 1860;
  urge peaceful secession in 1861;
  denounce Lincoln for not making war an anti-slavery crusade,
      see vol. ii.;
  demand a proclamation of emancipation;
  unwisdom of their course;
  unappeased, even after emancipation proclamation;
  their small numbers;
  their attitude toward Lincoln.

Adams, Charles Francis,
  letter of Seward to, on impossibility of war, see vol. i.;
  appointed minister to England;
  complains to England of privateers, see vol. ii.;
  complains of the Alabama.

Adams, Charles F., Jr.,
  enters Richmond with negro cavalry regiment, see vol. ii.

Adams, John Quincy,
  in Congress with Lincoln, see vol. i.

  not ready to secede, but opposed to coercion, see vol. i.;
  wishes Southern convention;

  Confederate privateer, see vol. ii.;
  sunk by Kearsarge.

Albert, Prince,
  revises Palmerston’s dispatch on Trent affair, see vol. i.

Anderson, Robert,
  signs Lincoln’s certificate of discharge in Black Hawk war, see vol. i.;
  commands at Fort Moultrie in 1860;
  moves forces to Sumter;
  asks instructions in vain;
  appeals to Lincoln;
  refuses to surrender Sumter.

Andrew, Governor John A.,
  prepares Massachusetts militia, see vol. i.;
  asks United States for muskets;
  sends on troops.

Anthony, Henry B.,
  in Senate in 1861, see vol. i.

  battle of, see vol. ii.

  refuses to furnish Lincoln troops, see vol. i.;
  at first Unionist, finally secedes;
  campaign of Curtis in;
  reconstructed, see vol. ii.;
  chooses electors.

Armstrong, Jack,
  his wrestling match with Lincoln, see vol. i.;
  his later friendship with Lincoln;
  aids him in politics.

Arnold, Isaac N.,
  in House in 1861, see vol. i.;
  describes drilling of Army of Potomac;
  on importance of Lincoln’s action in Trent case;
  introduces bill abolishing slavery under federal jurisdiction,
      see vol. ii.;
  on composition of Gettysburg address;
  dreads danger in election of 1864;
  Lincoln’s only supporter in Congress;
  refusal of Lincoln to help in campaign;
  on Lincoln’s attempt to push thirteenth amendment through Congress;
  on second vote on thirteenth amendment.

Arnold, Samuel,
  accomplice of Booth, tried and condemned, see vol. ii.

Ashley, James M.,
  in House in 1861, see vol. i.;
  moves to reconsider thirteenth amendment, see vol. ii.

Project Gutenberg
Abraham Lincoln, Volume II from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.