Cobwebs from an Empty Skull eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 198 pages of information about Cobwebs from an Empty Skull.

Cobwebs from an Empty Skull eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 198 pages of information about Cobwebs from an Empty Skull.

“Now, you lacustrine old cylinder-escapement,” I exclaimed, with some warmth, “hand up your stomach for this healing precoction, or I’m blest if I won’t controvert your raison d’etre!

He struggled hard, but, owing to my habit of finishing what I undertake, without any success.  In ten minutes it was all down—­except that some of it was spouted about rather circumstantially over the bedding, and walls, and me.  There was more of the draught than I had thought.  As he had been two days ill, I had supposed the bottle must be nearly empty; but, of course, when you think of it, a man doesn’t abrogate much ink in an ordinary attack—­except editors.

Just as I got my knees off the spatient’s breast, Maud peeped in at the door.  She had remained in the lane till she thought the charm had had time to hibernate, then came in to have her laugh.  She began having it, gently; but seeing me with the empty bottle in my sable hand, and the murky inspiration rolling off my face in gasconades, she got graver, and came in very soberly.

Wherewith, the draught had done its duty, and the old gentleman was enjoying the first rest he had known since I came to heal him.  He is enjoying it yet, for he was as dead as a monogram.

As there was a good deal of scandal about my killing a sprospective father-in-law, I had to live it down by not marrying Maud—­who has lived single, as a rule, ever since.  All this epigastric tercentenary might have been avoided if she had only allowed a good deal of margin for my probable condition when she splanned her little practicable joke.

“Why didn’t they hang me?”—–­ Waiter, bring me a brandy spunch.—­Well, that is the most didactic question!  But if you must know—­they did.

* * * * *


Not long after that (said old Jim Beckwourth, beginning a new story) there was a party of about a dozen of us down in the Powder River country, after buffalo.  It was the worst place!  Just think of the most barren and sterile spot you ever saw, or ever will see.  Now take that spot and double it:  that is where we were.  One day, about noon, we halted near a sickly little arroyo, that was just damp enough to have deluded some feeble bunches of bonnet-wire into setting up as grass along its banks.  After picketing the horses and pack-mules we took luncheon, and then, while the others smoked and played cards for half-dollars, I took my rifle and strolled off into the hills to see if I could find a blind rabbit, or a lame antelope, that had been unable to leave the country.  As I went on I heard, at intervals of about a quarter of an hour, a strange throbbing sound, as of smothered thunder, which grew more distinct as I advanced.  Presently I came upon a lake of near a mile in diameter, and almost circular.  It was as calm and even as a mirror, but I could see by a light steamy haze

Project Gutenberg
Cobwebs from an Empty Skull from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.