Wells Brothers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Wells Brothers.

Wells Brothers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Wells Brothers.
of cattle at least a mile up the creek.  I’m expecting more this evening, and until we learn the brands on this second contingent, they must be kept separate.  And then, since we’ve claimed it, we want to make a showing of occupying the range, by scattering the cattle over it.  Within a month, our cows must rest in the shade of Hackberry Grove and be watering out of those upper springs.  When you take a country, the next thing is to hold it.”

Something to do was a relief to Joel.  Willow stays, for the arbor, were cut, the bark peeled off, and the poles laid ready at hand.  When the cattle arose, of their own accord, from the noonday rest, the impatient lad was allowed to graze them around the bend of the creek.  There was hardly enough work to keep an active boy employed, and a social hour ensued.  “Things are coming our way,” said Forrest.  “This man Seay will just about rob Blocker’s outfit.  When it comes to making a poor mouth, that boy Dorg is in a class by himself.  Dell will just about have a wagon load.  You boys will have to sleep in the tent hereafter.”

It proved so.  The team returned an hour before sunset, loaded to the carrying capacity of the wagon.  Not only were there remnants in the staples of life, but kegs of molasses and bags of flour and beans, while a good saddle, coils of rope, and a pair of new boots which, after a wetting, had proven too small for the owner, were among the assets.  It was a motley assortment of odds and ends, a free discard of two trail outfits, all of which found an acceptable lodgment at the new ranch.

“They’re coming up to supper,” announced Dell to Forrest.  “Mr. Blocker’s foreman knows you, and sent word to get up a spread.  He says that when he goes visiting, he expects his friends to not only put on the little and big pot, but kill a chicken and churn.  He’s such a funny fellow.  He made me try on those boots, and when he saw they would fit, he ordered their owner, one of Mr. Seay’s men, to give them to me or he would fight him at sunrise.”

“Had them robbing each other for us, eh?” said Forrest, smiling.  “Well, that’s the kind of friend to have when settling up a new country.  This ranch is like a fairy story.  Here I sit and wave my crutch for a wand, and everything we need seems to just bob up out of the plain.  Cattle coming along to stock a ranch, old chum coming to supper, in fact, everything coming our way.  Dell, get up a banquet—­who cares for expense!”

It was barely dusk when the second contingent of cattle passed above the homestead and were turned loose for the night.  As before, the cripples had been dropped midway, and would be nursed up the next morning.  With the assistance of crutches, Forrest managed to reach the opening, and by clinging to the tent-pole, waved a welcome to the approaching trail men.

Project Gutenberg
Wells Brothers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.