Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about Canada under British Rule 1760-1900.

Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 395 pages of information about Canada under British Rule 1760-1900.

   The recommendation of the The same.
   crown is required before initiation
   of a money vote in parliament.

Amendments to the                   Amendments to the
Constitution_.                        Constitution._

   By the imperial parliament on Any proposed amendment to
   an address of the houses of the the constitution must be first
   Dominion parliament to the passed by an absolute majority
   Queen. of each house of parliament,
                                        and submitted in each state to
                                        the electors qualified to vote for
                                        members of the house of
                                        representatives.  If in majority of
                                        the states a majority of the
                                        electors voting approve the
                                        proposed law, and if a majority
                                        of all the electors
                                        voting also approve the
                                        proposed law, it shall be
                                        presented to the governor-general
                                        for the royal assent.



I confine these notes to the most accurate and available books and essays on the history of Canada.

For the French regime consult.—­Jacques Cartier’s Voyages, by Joseph Pope (Ottawa, 1889), Charlevoix’s History and General Description of New France, translated by J. Gilmary Shea (New York, 1868); Cours d’histoire du Canada, by Abbe Ferland (Quebec, 1861); Histoire du Canada, by F.X.  Garneau (4th ed., Montreal, 1882); F. Parkman’s series of admirable histories of the French regime (Boston, 1865—­1884), The Story of Canada (Nations’ Series, London, New York and Toronto, 1896), by J.G.  Bourinot, necessarily written in a light vein, is largely devoted to the days of French rule, and may profitably be read on that account in connection with this later book, chiefly devoted to British dominion.

For the history of Acadia, consult.—­Acadia, by James Hannay (St. John, N.B., 1879); History of Nova Scotia, by Thomas C. Haliburton (Halifax, N.S., 1829).  A valuable compilation of annals is A History of Nova Scotia or Acadie, by Beamish Murdoch (Halifax, 1867). Builders of Nova Scotia, by J.G.  Bourinot (Toronto, and “Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Can.,” 1900), contains many portraits of famous Nova Scotians down to confederation, and appendices of valuable historical documents.

Project Gutenberg
Canada under British Rule 1760-1900 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.