Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

Indications of approaching stoutness are not difficult to detect.  Heredity has a powerful influence.  The young man who resembles his father in facial appearance and coloring, will probably grow stout if his father is a fat man.  When the face inclines to be round, the cheeks rather full, and the lips full, there is a fair probability that the individual will take on flesh.  A concave form of face is also another good indication.  The concave face is shown in Figure 31.  It will be seen that it is prominent at the point of the chin, and not so prominent at the mouth, and prominent at the top of the forehead, near the hair line, and not so prominent at the brows.  The nose, also, is inclined to be sway backed.  Another indication which should have a bearing in the choice of a vocation is the thickness of the neck, especially, at the back, and a fulness of the back head, at the base of the brain.  Such fulness is shown in Figure 16.

Wideness of the head, in comparison with length and height, is also another indication that the individual may put on flesh as he grows older.  The man or woman who has a majority of these indications will do well to prepare himself or herself for a position of command.

The world is a richer, pleasanter, better fed, better clothed, and happier place because of its fat men.  It is true, they enjoy the good things of life themselves, but, as a general rule, they also like to see others enjoy them, and well deserve the rich rewards they reap.  We are glad that so few of them are ever poor and hungry.

[Illustration:  FIG. 17.  Beaumont, Aviator.  His square jaw, strong chin, large nose, large ear, convex profile, and alert, keen expression all indicate activity, energy, love of motion, desire for speed, and physical courage.]

[Illustration:  Photo by Paul Thompson.  N. FIG. 18.  The late Lincoln Beachy, Aviator.  A man of consummate physical courage and coolness.  Note long lines of face and unusually long, prominent chin.]

[Illustration:  Copyright by Harris & Ewing.  FIG. 19.  Col.  George W. Goethals, Builder of the Panama Canal and Governor of Canal Zone.  Of the intellectual but bony and muscular type.  Short, stocky, enduring, and resistant.  Finer and kindlier than FIG. 20 or FIG. 21, as shown by texture and expression, but firm, dogged, and just.  A natural-born executive for construction or mechanical work.  Note firm mouth and chin, with slight droop at corners, showing determination and self-control.]

[Illustration:  Copyright American Press Association.  FIG. 20.  Field Marshal von Hindenberg, of the German Army.  A splendid example of the bony, muscular type.  Unusually determined, persistent, enduring, and resistant.  Prudent, far-sighted, dogged, unsentimental, capable of enduring great hardship.  Note short, stocky build; big, square chin and jaw; long, square head; relentless expression of mouth and eyes; coarse texture, and big, heavy-tipped nose.  A great executive, especially as a relentless driver and rigid disciplinarian.]

Project Gutenberg
Analyzing Character from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.