Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

Analyzing Character eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 522 pages of information about Analyzing Character.

In the third part of this book, therefore, we deal more or less at length with the psychological processes of persuasion and their application in various forms and to the varied personalities of those whom we wish to persuade.

Finally, in the fourth part, we devote three chapters to a consideration of the Science of Character Analysis by the Observational Method, the principles of which underlie all of the observations and suggestions appearing in the first three parts.

In presenting the material in this volume, our aim has been not to propound a theory, but merely to make practical, for the use of our readers, so far as possible, the results of our own experiences in this field.

[Footnote 1:  The Job, The Man, The Boss, by Katherine M.H.  Blackford, M.D., and Arthur Newcomb.]



Analyzing Character



“Blessed is the man who has found his work.”—­Carlyle.

Only the rarest kind of soul has a clear call to his vocation.  Still rarer is he who, knowing his work, can create circumstances which will permit him to do it.  Of the thousands of young people who have sought us for counsel, only a very small percentage have had even a vague idea of what they are fitted to do, or even what they wished to do.  Strange to say, this lack of definite knowledge as to vocation holds true of those who have just graduated from college or university.  Many a college graduate has said to us:  “Why, I shall teach for a few years until I have fully made up my mind just what I wish to do.  Then I shall take my post-graduate course in preparation for my life work.”  Even so late a decision as this often proves unsatisfactory.


The causes for uncertainty as to work are many and varied.  And yet all the many causes can be traced to two fundamental deficiencies in human nature which are but poorly supplied in our traditional systems of training and education.  The first of these is, of course, ignorance—­ignorance of self, ignorance of work, ignorance on the part of parents, teachers, and other advisors; ignorance on the part of employers.  As a race, we do not know human nature; we do not know how to determine, in advance of actual, painful and costly experience, the aptitudes of any individual.  We blunder a good deal even in trying to learn from experience.  We do not know work; we do not know its requirements, its conditions, its opportunities, its emoluments.  And so, in our ignorance, we go astray; we lead others astray.  We neglect important and vital factors in human success and happiness because we do not know how important and how vital they are.  Our ignorance of their importance is due to our ignorance of human nature and of work.

Project Gutenberg
Analyzing Character from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.