The Earlier Work of Titian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Earlier Work of Titian.

The Earlier Work of Titian eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Earlier Work of Titian.

[46] Ridolfi, followed in this particular by Crowe and Cavalcaselle, sees in the upturned face of the St. Nicholas a reflection of that of Laocoon in the Vatican group.

[47] It passed with the rest of the Mantua pictures into the collection of Charles I., and was after his execution sold by the Commonwealth to the banker and dealer Jabach for L120.  By the latter it was made over to Louis XIV., together with many other masterpieces acquired in the same way.

[48] Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Life and Times of Titian, vol. i. pp. 298, 299.

[49] The victory over the Turks here commemorated was won by Baffo in the service of the Borgia Pope, Alexander VI., some twenty-three years before.  This gives a special significance to the position in the picture of St. Peter, who, with the keys at his feet, stands midway between the Bishop and the Virgin.  We have seen Baffo in one of Titian’s earliest works (circa 1503) recommended to St. Peter by Alexander VI. just before his departure for this same expedition.

[50] It has been impossible in the first section of these remarks upon the work of the master of Cadore to go into the very important question of the drawings rightly and wrongly ascribed to him.  Some attempt will be made in the second section, to be entitled The Later Work of Titian, to deal summarily with this branch of the subject, which has been placed on a more solid basis since Giovanni Morelli disentangled the genuine landscape drawings of the master from those of Domenico Campagnola, and furnished a firm basis for further study.


“Alfonso d’Este and Laura Dianti” (Louvre)
Altar-piece at Brescia
“Annunciation, The” (Treviso)
“Annunciation, The” (Venice)
“Aretino, Portrait of” (Florence)
“Ariosto, Portrait of” (Cobham Hall)
“Assumption of the Virgin, The,”
“Bacchanal, A,”
“Bacchus and Ariadne” (National Gallery),
“Baptism of Christ, The” (Rome),
“Battle of Cadore, The”
“Bella, La” (Florence)
“Bishop of Paphos recommended by Alexander VI. to St. Peter, The” (Antwerp)

“Christ at Emmaus”
“Christ bearing the Cross” (Venice)
“Christ between St. Andrew and St. Catherine” (Venice)
“Charles V. at Muehlberg” (Madrid)
“Concert, A” (Florence)
“Cornaro, Portrait of” (Castle Howard)
“Cristo della Moneta, Il” (Dresden)

“Death of St. Peter Martyr, The”
“Diana and Actaeon”
“Diana and Calisto”

“Entombment, The” (Louvre)

“Feast of the Gods, The” (Alnwick Castle)
“Flora” (Florence)
Fresco of St. Christopher in the Doge’s Palace
Frescoes in the Scuola del Santo, Padua
Frescoes on the Fondaco de’ Tedeschi, Venice

“Holy Family” (Bridgewater Gallery)
“Holy Family with St. Catherine” (National Gallery)

Project Gutenberg
The Earlier Work of Titian from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.