The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,778 pages of information about The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster.

The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,778 pages of information about The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster.

Greece, saved by battle of Marathon, 28;
  emigration from, 32;
  speech on revolution in, 57;
  appeal to United States concerning revolution in, 57;
  extract from President Monroe, on revolution in, 58;
  we are her debtors, 58;
  improved condition of, 68;
  conduct of Allied Sovereigns in regard to contest in, 69;
  Congress at Verona, 1822, concerning independence of, 70;
  Congress of 1821, 72;
  revolution of 1821 in, 72;
  society of Vienna to encourage literature in, 72;
  propriety of appointing an agent to, 75;
  liberty of, 641;
  want of union among her states, 642.

Greeks, Baron Strogonoff on the massacre of the, 71;
  excited to rebellion by Russia, 69;
  our sympathy for cause of, 67;
  the oppression of, by Turkey, 68;
  what they have accomplished, 74.

Griswold, George, toast to Daniel Webster, 496.


Hale, Representative to Congress, 385.

Hamilton, Alexander, his services, 309.

Hancock, John, presides in Congress, 167;
  signed the Declaration, 170;
  first signer of the Declaration, 497.

Harbor Bill, course of President Jackson concerning, 353.

Hardin, Col., description of New Mexico, 567.

Harrison, Wm. Henry, President, 481;
  the “Log Cabin” candidate, 476;
  civil character of, 577.

Hartford Convention, 235;
  design of, 253.

Harvard College, 40, 48.

Harvey, Peter, story told of Mr. Webster by, xv.

Hayne, Robert Y., speaks on Foot’s resolution, 227;
  reply of Webster to, on Foot’s resolution, 227;
  votes on internal improvement, 245.

Hemp, growth of, to be encouraged, 107;
  importation of, 107;
  effect of increased duty on, 108.

Henry, Patrick, 172.

Henry the Seventh, division of land in England in time of, 44;
  colonies planted in the reign of, 142.

Hermitage, supposed visit of occupant of, to the Senate Chamber, 446.

Hillard, Mr., remarks in Massachusetts Senate, 618.

Hillhouse, Mr., opinion on the embargo law, 260.

Hoar, Mr., mission of, to South Carolina, 621.

Holland, trade of, with the United States, 93;
  our treaty with, of 1782, 170.

Holt, Lord, opinion of, respecting power of visitors over corporations, 7.

Holy Alliance, origin of, 61;
  effect on social rights, 62, 64;
  extract from Puffendorf, bearing on principles of, 62;
  principles of the, 62, 63;
  forcible interference a principle of, 63.

Home Market, effect of manufactures on, 84.

House of Commons, representation in the, 642.

Huelsemann Letter, written by Mr. Webster, 679.

Hume, Mr., remark on administration of justice, 316.

Hungarians, arrival of, in the United States, 682.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.