The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,778 pages of information about The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster.

The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,778 pages of information about The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster.

Cushing, Thomas, delegate to Congress, 162.

Custom-house Bonds, act of 1800 in regard to, 383.


Dallas, Geo. M., proposition of, for a bank, 460.

Dane, Nathan, drafted Ordinance of 1787, 231.

Danemora, iron mines of, 105.

Dartmouth College, argument in case of, 1;
  acts of Legislature affecting, 1, 3, 14, 15, 16, 18;
  corporation of, (1769,) 2;
  charter of, (1769,) is a contract, 22;
  observation of Mr. Webster on opinion of court of N.H. concerning, 22;
  incident connected with Mr. Webster’s argument in case of, xxi.

Davis, Judge, 532.

Debt, abolition of imprisonment for, 474.

Debtor and Creditor, law of, 472, 473.

Debts, the Constitution provides for the payment and discharge of, 186.

Declaration of Independence, 163;
  committee appointed to draft the, 164;
  its object and foundation, 165;
  speeches of Webster for, and dissenting, ascribed to Adams and another,
    167, 168;
  anniversary of, 641.

Democracy, Northern, policy of, 611.

Deposits, removal of, by the President, 369.
  See Public Moneys.

Dexter, Samuel, character of, 261.

Disbursing Officers, tenure of office, 396.

Discourse delivered at Plymouth, on “First Settlement of New England,” 25.

Dissolution of the Union, evils of, 346.

District of Columbia, remarks of Mr. Webster on Slavery in, 445;
  resolutions on Slavery in, 445;
  power of Congress in, 446.

Divine Right, a doctrine of the Holy Alliance, 63.

Dix, J.A., his vote for admission of Texas, 611.

Domestic Industry, not confined to manufactures, 98.

Dorr, Thomas W., at the head of revolutionary government of Rhode Island,
  tried for treason, 536.

Dough Faces, voted for Missouri Compromise, 583.

Douglass, Stephen H., amendment concerning Missouri, 569.

Drum-Beat of England, 371.

Duane, W.J., removal of, from office, 368.

Duche, Rev. Mr., opened first Congress with prayer, 522.

Durfee, Chief Justice, charge of, in Dorr case of Rhode Island, 545.

Duties on Imports, extract from speech on, (1846,) 110.


Education, provision for general diffusion of, in New England, 47, 48;
  sentiment of John Adams on, 174.

Edwards, Jonathan, his use of the word “sweetness,” xxxix.

Election, of officers of colleges, 16.

Elections, rights of, 12;
  American system of, 540.

Electricity, progress in, 648.

Eleemosynary corporations, nature of, defined, 6, 9;
  colleges are included under, 22.

Ellenborough, Lord, on commercial restrictions, 87.

Project Gutenberg
The Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webster from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.