The Boy Allies in the Trenches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about The Boy Allies in the Trenches.

The Boy Allies in the Trenches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about The Boy Allies in the Trenches.

Upon learning that Hal and Chester were American lads, the little man’s pleasure knew no bounds.

“I knew it!” he exclaimed.  “I knew it the minute I set eyes on you.”

“Perhaps that is why you were in such a hurry to get back down the road,” said Chester.

“No, no,” was the reply.  “I knew you were Americans, but I feared, for the moment, that you might be fighting with the Germans.”

“Well,” said Chester shortly, “I don’t imagine you will find many Americans in the German ranks.”

“I want to tell you boys,” said Stubbs, “that I appreciate your saving me from falling into the hands of the enemy, where I might have been kept a prisoner for years.”

“We didn’t save you from anything,” said Hal.

“I know, I know,” said Stubbs, “but you might have done so.  I want to tell you that I appreciate it and that Anthony Stubbs is your friend for life; and the friendship of such a man is not to be laughed at.”

The little man’s face was so serious that the lads even forbore to smile.

“We thank you for your friendship,” said Hal quietly, “and I assure you that it will not be laughed at.  Friendships are not to be treated lightly.”

“I knew you would see it that way,” was the response.  “If at any time I can be of service to you, command me.”

He arose and made them the bow of a cavalier.

The meal finished, Hal pushed back his chair and arose.

“We might as well be on our way,” he said.  “Come.”

They left the room and made their way to the place where they had tied their horses.  Hal started back with a cry of surprise.

The horses were not there, but upon the ground, a bullet wound in his forehead, lay the man whom Hal had left to guard them.


Four-footed enemies.

Hal bent over the dead British soldier; then, arising, turned to Chester.

“He was shot from ambush,” he said quietly.  “He didn’t even have time to draw his revolver.  See, it is still in its holster.”

“And, if we don’t get away from here immediately, we are likely to be shot, too,” replied Chester.

“Chester is right,” agreed Captain Anderson.  “Come, Hal, we had better be moving.”

Hal nodded, and gave a brief word of command.  Immediately the little troop of cavalrymen, afoot now, moved slowly down the road in the darkness.  They went forward briskly and the hand of every man rested on his weapon, for the mysterious death of their companion had been a warning they could not but heed.  There was no telling what foes might lurk in the blackness of the bushes that lined either side of the highway.

Anthony Stubbs, war correspondent, had been unable to force himself into the center of the British troops, and was now bringing up the rear.  Now and then he tried to insert himself between the men in front of him, but all such attempts had proved futile.  The British did not intend to lose their formation in order to allow him to reach a place of comparative safety.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Allies in the Trenches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.