Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds.

Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds.

While the four people glared at each other a step was heard in the narrow entrance, and in a moment Antoine’s face was clearly outlined against the narrow slit of light.

The trapper took in the group at one quick glance, and, turning in his tracks, fled precipitately down the slope.  Without speaking a word, the two men who had been found in the cavern, turned and followed him.

“Now what do you think of that?” demanded Tommy.


Boys up A tree!”

When Thede returned to the cabin with numerous squirrels, rabbits and ducks, Sandy greeted him with a shout of joy.

“This will seem like living in the north woods!” he cried.  “We’ll have all kinds of game from this time on!”

“You bet we will!” replied Thede.  “I’m some hungry myself, when it comes to that!  I guess I can get a few!”

“You never shot all these!” Sandy doubted, poking the squirrels and rabbits about with a finger.  “You never got them all by yourself!”

“How do you know I didn’t?” asked Thede, with a provoking grin.

“Because you couldn’t,” Sandy answered.

“All right, then,” admitted the boy.  “We all had a share in the shooting, and Will and Tommy sent me back with the game.”

“Where have they gone?” asked Sandy, a look of indignation over-spreading his face.  “They’re always running away and leaving me to watch the camp!  I wish they’d give me a chance sometime.”

Thede sat down in one of the clumsy chairs which the cabin afforded and laughed until his sides shook.

“I don’t think any of you boys are famishing for fresh air and adventure,” he said in a moment.  “You seem to me to be kept pretty busy.”

“Well,” Sandy exclaimed, “they might let me go with them when they start off on a tour like that.  Where have they gone, anyway?”

“They said they were going out in search of the Little Brass God!” laughed Thede.

“Honest?” demanded Sandy.

“That’s what they said!”

“I hope they don’t find it!” Sandy exclaimed.

The boys cooked a liberal supply of game for dinner and then began restlessly walking to and fro over the cabin floor.

“What’s the matter with you fellows?” asked George in a moment, speaking from the bunk.

“Hello, you’ve woke up, have you?” demanded Sandy.  “I thought perhaps you’d sleep all day!  How’s your head feel?”

“Rotten, thank you!” answered George.

Sandy took a couple more turns about the room and then sat down by the side of the bunk where George lay.

“I know what’s the matter with you!” George said, directly.

“What’s the answer!” asked Sandy, rather sourly.

“You need exercise!” replied George.  “You’ve been ramming about the cabin all the morning, and I’ve been wishing for the last three hours that you’d take to the tall timber.”

Project Gutenberg
Boy Scouts in Northern Wilds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.