Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.

Bataille de dames eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 130 pages of information about Bataille de dames.


NOTE.  Articles and their contractions with a and de, personal and possessive pronouns and words to be rendered in every case by like words in English (e.g. action, affection) are omitted in this vocabulary.  Irregularly formed plurals and the feminine endings of adjectives are noted.  Irregular verbal forms are entered in alphabetical order.


#a#, see #avoir#.

#a#, at, in, to, for, from, with;
  #etre ——­#, belong to;
  #——­ ce que#, as.

#abandon#, m.; #avec ——­#, unrestrained.

#abandonner#, abandon.

#abime#, m., abyss, destruction.

#abord#; #d’——­#, in the first place, at first.

#absolument#, absolutely.

#absoudre#, absolve, p. 24, l. 22, make guiltless.

#absurde#, absurd.

#accabler#, overwhelm.

#accent#, m., tone, accent; p. 9, l. 7,
  #——­ de bonne compagnie#, refinement of manners.

#accepter#, accept, receive.

#accompagner#, accompany, escort.

#accomplir#, fulfil, accomplish.

#accord#, m.; #d’——­#, p. 77, l. 4, agreed.

#accorder#, allow, grant.

#accrocher#; #s’——­#, be caught.

#accuser#, charge, accuse.

#acheter#, buy.

#achever#, finish.

#acquit#, m., acquittal, receipt;
  p.54, l.9, #pour ——­ de#, to ease.

#acquitter#, acquit;
  #s’——­ de#, fulfil, discharge.

#acte#, f., act.

#acti-f, -ve#, active.

#adieu#, good-bye.

#adjectif#, m., adjective.

#admirable#, wonderful, admirable.

#admirer#, wonder at, admire.

#adopter#, adopt.

#adorer#, worship.

#adresse#, f., skill, cleverness, tact; address.

#adresser#, address;
  #s’——­#, apply.

#adroitement#, skillfully, adroitly.

#adversaire#, m., adversary.

#affaire#, f., affair; pl., business.

#affecter#, affect, stimulate, make a show of.

#affliger#, afflict, grieve.

#affreu-x, -se#, dreadful.

#age#, m., age;
  p.30, l.10, #en bas ——­#, young.

#agir#, act;
  #s’——­ de#, be about, concern; p. 12, l. 9, be at stake.

#agitation#, f., agitation, restlessness.

#agiter#; #s’——­#, be restless, be excited, be wrought up.

#ah#, oh.

#aide#, f., help.

#aider#, help, assist.

#aie#, see #avoir#.

#aille#, see #aller#.

#ailleurs#, elsewhere;
  #d’——­#, besides.

#aimer#, love, like;
  #——­ mieux#, prefer.

Project Gutenberg
Bataille de dames from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.