What I Remember, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about What I Remember, Volume 2.

What I Remember, Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about What I Remember, Volume 2.
  her intellectual and moral qualities
  influence of race on
  Mrs. Browning on her multiform faculty
  her musical talent
  her talent for language
  poem by
  her landscape painting
  her opinions
  her hatred of the Pontifical Government
  her social preferences
  her rule of life
  as a daughter-in-law
Trollope, Frances, my mother, winters in Rome
  as Mrs. Malaprop
  serious illness of, was wrongly treated
  was my inseparable companion
  her intense power of enjoyment
  her last days
  my brother Anthony’s mistaken judgment of
  portrait of, for Princess Metternich
  attacked by erisypelas
  her death
  my promise to her, the keeping of
Trollope, Anthony, my brother, in Ireland
  walk at the Killeries
  his standing for Beverley, Dickens on
  his criticism on Mrs. Browning
  his Three Clerks, Mrs. Browning on
  dines with G.H.  Lewes
  with Carlyle
  comes to see me at Baden
  his letter to my wife
  his autobiography, a passage in
  his mistaken judgment of my mother
Trollope, T. Adolphus, early literary work
  a born rambler
  taste for sermons
  offends Wordsworth
  first book
  early habits of rambling
  book on Brittany
  second visit to Paris
  preparation of house at Penrith
  visit to Ireland
  plans and consultations
  acquaintance with Dickens
  building a house
  Daily News correspondent
  first marriage, opposition to
  imprudence of
  first meeting with future wife
  with her at Venice
  first marriage
  book on Tuscany in 1849 and 1859
  acts Sir Anthony Absolute
  three Thespian avatars
  literary work at Florence
  writes novels good and bad
  knowledge of Italian
  visits Pesth
  visits to Landor
  visits Camaldoli with Lewes and his wife
  talk with her
  receives her and Lewes
  visits them at Witley
  visit to Tennyson, at Black Down
  my conversatism
  attack of sciatica
  closeness of association with my mother
  my political opinions
  sorrows come upon me
  keeping my promise to my mother
  end of first life
  beginning of second life
Troops, Tuscan, and the Revolution
Tuckerman, Mr., American writer
Tuileries, bal monstre at
  suspected conspiracy at
Tunbridge Wells, G.H.  Lewes at
Turrite Cava, gorge of
Tuscan cities, wedding trip among
  Stornelli, my first wife’s translations from
Tuscans, not progressive
Tuscany and Papal States
  condition of, in 1840
  Duke of, his justice
  Grandducal, disliked at the Vatican
Tyrol, ramble in


Upper Arno, the valley of the


Project Gutenberg
What I Remember, Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.