Masters of Space eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Masters of Space.

Masters of Space eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Masters of Space.


Magnetic Telegraph Co., 93. 
Marconi, boyhood, 199;
  accomplished wireless telegraphy, 202;
  demonstration in England, 209;
  Transatlantic telegraphy, 217;
  Marconi Telegraph Company, 220. 
Marine signals on Argonautic expedition, 15. 
Mirror galvanometer, 127. 
Mirrors of Pharaoh, 17. 
Morse at University of New York, 66. 
Morse, code in signals, 27;
  parentage, 56;
  at Yale, 57;
  art student, 59;
  artist, 62;
  conceives the telegraph, 63;
  exhibits telegraph, 75;
  offers telegraph to Congress, 76, 91;
  patents telegraph, 82;
  submarine cable, 83, 107;
  erects first line, 86;
  dies, 104. 
Multiplex printer telegraph, 274. 
Mundy, Arthur J., 31.


O’Reilly, Henry, 94.


Preece, W.H., 196, 209. 
Printing telegraph, 271. 
Pupin, Michael I., 247.


Quadruplex telegraphy, 104, 265.


Reis’s musical telegraph, 157.


Sanders, Thomas, 148, 159, 178. 
Scribner, Charles E., 236. 
Searchlight telephone, 251. 
Semaphore signals, 27. 
Shouting sentinels, 16. 
Sibley, Hiram, 96, 99. 
Signal columns, 19. 
Siphon recorder, 137. 
Smith, Francis O.J., 76. 
Stentorophonic tube, 18. 
Submarine signals, 31.


Telegraph, first suggestion, 39;
  patented, 82;
  development, 264. 
Telephone invented and patented, 162;
  at Centennial, 165;
  exchange, 177. 
Thomson, youth, 144;
  cable adviser, 121;
  invents mirror galvanometer, 126;
  knighted, 136;
  invents siphon recorder, 137;
  connection with telephone, 169. 
Transatlantic cable (See Atlantic cable). 
Transatlantic wireless telegraphy, 216. 
Transatlantic wireless telephone, 259. 
Transcontinental telegraph, 96. 
Transcontinental telephone, 246. 
Transcontinental wireless telephone, 257. 
Trowbridge, John, 190. 
Troy, signaling fall of, 14. 
Tuning the wireless telegraph, 222.


Vail, Alfred, arranges Morse code, joins Morse, 70;
  makes telephone apparatus, 72;
  operates first line, 90;
  improves telegraph, 100. 
Vail, Theodore, joins telephone forces, 180;
  puts wires underground, 239;
  adopts copper circuits, 240;
  resumes telephone leadership, 244;
  talks across continent without wires, 257.


Project Gutenberg
Masters of Space from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.