Masters of Space eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Masters of Space.

Masters of Space eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about Masters of Space.

Baltimore-Washington Telegraph Line, 86. 
Bell, Alexander Graham, parentage, 140;
  youth, 141;
  teaches elocution, 146;
  experiments with speech, 151, 161;
  meets Henry, 158;
  invents telephone, 162;
  at Centennial Exposition, 165;
  demonstrates telephone, 170;
  Bell Telephone Association, 178;
  Bell-Western Union Settlement;
  Bell and wireless telegraphy, 189;
  Transcontinental telephone, 248. 
Bethell, Union N., 241. 
Blake, Clarence J., 154. 
Blake, Francis, invents telephone transmitter, 182. 
Branly coherer, 204. 
Brett, J.W., 112. 
Bright, Charles Tiltson, 112, 120, 125, 128.


Cable laid across Channel, 108. 
Carty, J.J., youth, 232;
  enters telephone field, 234;
  Carty and the switchboard, 235, 242;
  uses metallic circuit, 238;
  in New York City, 241;
  invents bridging bell, 243;
  chief engineer, 244;
  extends long-distance telephone, 246;
  seeks wireless telephone, 253;
  talks across continent by wireless, 257. 
Clepsydra, 18. 
Code flags at sea, 24. 
Coherer, 203. 
Colomb’s flashing lights, 25. 
Congress votes funds for telegraph, 84. 
Cooke, William P., 49, 52. 
Cornell, Ezra, 86, 93, 107.


Davy’s needle telegraph, 44. 
De Forest, Dr. Lee, 225, 256. 
Dolbear and telephone, 185;
  wireless telegraphy, 194. 
Drawbaugh case, 186. 
Duplex telegraphy, 104, 265. 
Dyar, Harrison Gray, 41.


Edison, and the telegraph, 104;
  telephone transmitter 180;
  wireless telegraphy, 195. 
Ellsworth, Annie, 85.


Field, Cyrus W., plans Transatlantic cable, 110;
  honors, 125, 136;
  develops cable, 130, 134.


Gale, Professor, 67, 86. 
Gauss and Weber’s telegraph, 43. 
Gisborne, F.N., 109. 
Gray, Elisha, 157, 184.
Great Eastern, 132, 135, 139. 
Guns as marine signals, 23.


Hammond, John Hays, 229. 
Heaviside, A.W., 196. 
Heliograph, 29. 
Henry, Joseph, 65, 67, 158, 169. 
Hertz and the Hertzian waves, 197. 
Hubbard, Gardiner G., 149, 159, 170, 178. 
Hubbard, Mabel, 148, 166.


Indian smoke signals, 20.


Jackson, Dr. Charles T., 64, 79.


Kelvin, Lord (See Thomson), 138. 
“Kwaker” captured, 50.


Long-distance telephone, 245.

Project Gutenberg
Masters of Space from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.