The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

There are three common methods of covering jelly tumblers:  (1) Dip a piece of paper in alcohol; place it on top of the tumbler as soon as the jelly is cold; put on the tin cover and force it down firmly. (2) Cut a piece of paper large enough to allow it to overlap the top of the tumbler at least one-half inch on all sides; dip the paper in slightly-beaten white of egg; cover the glass as soon as the jelly cools and press down the paper until it adheres firmly. (3) When the jelly has become cold, cover the top with melted paraffin to a thickness of one-third of an inch.

To mark jelly glasses sealed with paraffin, have the labels ready on narrow slips of paper not quite as long as the diameter of the top of a glass, and when the paraffin is partially set, but still soft, lay each label on and press gently.



Pick over half ripe currants, leaving stems on.  Wash and place in preserving kettle.  Pound vigorously with wooden masher until there is juice enough to boil.  Boil slowly until fruit turns white and liquid drops slowly from the spoon.  Stir to prevent scorching.

Remove from fire.  Take an enamelled cup and dip this mixture into the jelly bags, under which large bowls have been placed to catch the drip.  Drip overnight.

Next morning measure the juice.  For every pint allow a pint of granulated sugar, which is put in a flat pan.  Juice is put in kettle and allowed to come to boiling point.  Sugar is placed in oven and heated.  When juice boils add sugar and stir until dissolved.

When this boils remove from fire and skim.  Do this three times.  Now test liquid with syrup gauge to see if it registers twenty-five degrees.  Without gauge let it drip from spoon, half cooled, to see if it jells.  Strain into sterilized jelly glasses.  Place glasses on a board in a sunny exposure until it hardens Cover with melted paraffin one-fourth inch thick.


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly, using half raspberries and half currants.


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly.


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly.


To five quarts of strawberries add one quart of currants and proceed as with Currant Jelly; but boil fifteen minutes.


The Concord is the best all-round grape for jelly, although the Catawba grape makes a delicious jelly.  Make your jelly as soon as possible after the grapes are sent home from the market.  Weigh the grapes on the stems and for every pound of grapes thus weighed allow three-quarters of a pound of the best quality of granulated sugar.

Project Gutenberg
The International Jewish Cook Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.