The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

Place the chicken in boiling water, add one onion, a bay leaf and six cloves.  Bring to a boil and let it boil rapidly for five minutes.  Reduce the heat to below the boiling point, and let it cook until tender.  Let chicken cool in the broth.

By cooking it in this manner the dark meat will be almost as white as the meat of the breast.  When the chicken is cold, cut into half inch cubes, removing all the fat and skin.  To each pint allow one tablespoon of lemon juice, sprinkle the latter over the prepared chicken and place on ice.  When ready to serve, mix the chicken with two-thirds as much white celery, cut into corresponding pieces:  meanwhile prepare the following mayonnaise:  Rub the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs as fine as possible, add one teaspoon of salt, then add, a drop at a time, one teaspoon of the finest olive oil.  Stir constantly, add one teaspoon of prepared mustard and while pepper, and two teaspoons of white sugar; whip the white of one egg to a froth and add to the dressing; add about one-half cup of vinegar last, a spoonful at a time.  Put the salad into the dressing carefully, using two silver forks; line the salad bowl with lettuce leaves, and garnish the top with the whites of hard-boiled eggs chopped up, or cut into half-moons.  Garnish this salad with the chopped yolks and whites of hard-boiled eggs, being careful to have the whites and yolks separate.  A few olives and capers will add to the decoration.


Boil two large chickens in enough water to cover them, add salt while boiling; when very tender remove from the fire and allow the chickens to cool in the liquor in which they were boiled, when cold skim off every particle of fat, and reserve it to use instead of oil.  If possible boil the chickens the day previous to using.  Now cut the chickens up into small bits (do not chop), cut white, crisp celery in half inch pieces, and sprinkle with fine salt, allowing half as much celery as you have chicken, mixing the chicken and celery, using two silver forks to do this.  Rub the yolks of six hard-boiled eggs as fine as possible, add one-half teaspoon of salt, white pepper, four tablespoons of chicken-fat that has been skimmed off the broth, adding one at a time, stirring constantly, one tablespoon of best prepared mustard, two teaspoons each mustard seed and celery seed, and two tablespoons of white sugar; add gradually, stirring constantly, one cup of white wine vinegar.  Pour this dressing over the chicken and celery and toss lightly with the silver forks.  Line a large salad bowl with lettuce leaves, pour in the salad and garnish the top with the chopped whites of six hard-boiled eggs; pour a pint of mayonnaise over the salad just before serving.  A neat way is to serve the salad in individual salad dishes, lining each dish with a lettuce leaf, garnish the salad with an olive stuck up in the center of each portion.

Project Gutenberg
The International Jewish Cook Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.