The Teacher eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 399 pages of information about The Teacher.

The Teacher eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 399 pages of information about The Teacher.

At the business quarter hour I issued the following order: 

“Before the close of school, I wish the distributors to leave upon each of the desks a piece of paper” (the size I described).  “It is for a purpose which I shall then explain.”

Accordingly, at some leisure moment before the close of school, each one of the regulators went with her box to the stationery shelves, which you will see in the corners of the room, where a supply of paper of all the various sizes used in school is kept, and, taking out a sufficient number, they supplied all the desks in their respective divisions.

When the time for closing school arrived, I requested each young lady to write the name of her parent or guardian upon the paper, and opposite to it his place of business.  This was done in a minute or two.

“All those whose parent’s or guardian’s name begins with a letter above m may rise.”

They rose.

“The distributors may collect the papers.”

The officers then passed round in regular order, each through her own division, and collected the papers.

“Deliver them at the accountants’ desk.”

They were accordingly carried there, and received by the accountants.

In the same manner, the others were collected and received by the accountants, but kept separate.

“I wish now the second accountant would copy these in a little book I have prepared for the purpose, arranging them alphabetically, referring all doubtful cases again to me.”

The second accountant then arranged the papers, and prepared them to go into the book, and the writer who belongs to the department copied them fairly.

I describe this case, because it was one which occurred at the time I was writing the above description, and not because there is any thing otherwise peculiar in it.  Such cases are continually taking place, and by the division of labor above illustrated, I am very much assisted in a great many of the duties which would otherwise consume a great portion of my time.

Any of the scholars may at any time make suggestions in writing to any of these officers or to the whole school; and if an officer should be partial, or unfaithful, or negligent in her duty, any scholar may propose her impeachment.  After hearing what she chooses to write in her defense, a vote is taken on sustaining the impeachment.  If it is sustained, she is deprived of the office, and another appointed to fill her place.


Project Gutenberg
The Teacher from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.