Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
World’s Work: 
with success and 1 of A, ......  3.00
with success and 2 of A, ......  3.50
with success and 1 of B, ......  4.00
with success and 2 of B, ......  5.50
with success and 1 of A
and 1 of B, .................  4.50
with success and 2 of A
and 2 of B, .................  7.00

Address all orders to
D. D. Cottrell’s Magazine Agency, North Cohocton, N.Y.

[Note that The D. D. Cottrell company no longer exists!!!]

Class A.

American Bird Magazine ..........  1 yr.$1.00
American Boy ....................  1 yr. 1.00
American Dressmaker .............  1 yr. 1.00
American Education ..............  1 yr. 1.00
American Inventor ...............  1 yr. 1.00
American Primary Teacher ........  1 yr. 1.00
Art Student .....................  1 yr. 1.00
Atlanta Constitution (weekly) ...  1 yr. 1.00
Automobile Magazine .............  1 yr. 2.00
Boston Cooking School Magazine.    1 yr. 1.00
Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts  1 yr. 2.00
Brown Book of Boston ............  1 yr. 1.00
Camera Craft.....................  1 yr. 1.00
Chicago Inter-Ocean (weekly) ....  1 yr. 1.00
Cincinnati Enquirer, weekly .....  1 yr. 1.00
Cosmopolitan Magazine ...........  1 yr. 1.00
Courier Journal, weekly .........  1 yr. 1.00
Criterion .......................  1 yr. 1.00
Cycle & Automobile Trade ........  1 yr. 1.00
Dietetic & Hygienic Gazette .....  1 yr. 1.00
Educator ........................  1 yr. 1.00
Eleanor Kirk’s Idea .............  1 yr. 1.00
Era .............................  1 yr. 1.00
Farm Journal .................... 5 yrs. 1.00
Foolish Book (Arkell Co.) .......  1 yr. 1.00
Gleanings in Bee Culture ........  1 yr. 1.00
Good Health .....................  1 yr. 1.00
Good Housekeeping ...............  1 yr. 1.00
Harper’s Bazaar .................  1 yr. 1.00
Health ..........................  1 yr. 1.00
Health Culture ..................  1 yr. 1.00
Hints ...........................  1 yr. 1.00
House Beautiful .................  1 yr. 2.00
Holiday Magazine and Book .......  1 yr. 1.00
Humorist ........................  1 yr. 2.00
Hunter-Trader-Trapper ..........  1 yr. 1.00
Judge Library and Mag. of Fun ...  1 yr. 1.00
Judge Quarterly .................  1 yr. 1.00
Junior Toilettes ................  1 yr. 1.00
Just Fun (Arkell Co.) ...........  1 yr. 1.00
Kindergarten Review .............  1 yr. 1.00
Ladies’ World and Book ..........  1 yr. 1.50
Leslie’s Monthly Magazine .......  1 yr. 1.00
Little Folks (new subs) .........  1 yr. 1.00
Little Chronicle ................  1 yr. 1.50
Literary World ..................  1 yr. 1.00
Louisville Courier Journal (s-w)   1 yr. 1.00
Mail Order Journal ..............  1 yr. 1.00
Magazine of Mysteries ...........  1 yr. 1.00
Men and Women  ..................  1 yr. 1.00
National Stockman & Farmer ......  1 yr. 1.00
National Magazine ...............  1 yr. 1.00
New Idea Woman’s Magazine .......  1 yr.  .50

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.