Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
2.50 Denver Republican (Sunday) ...................... 2.25 2.00 Des Moines Register Leader ..................  Sun 1.25 4.00 Des Moines Register Leader ............. 6 issues 3.40 .80 Designer, N.Y. (F.P. 75) ................ m Fash. .80 5.00 Detroit Evening Journal ........... 6 issues Rep. 4.25 1.00 Detroit Journal (s.w.) .......................... .85 5.00 Detroit Eve.  News (Sun. 2.50-2 25) .. 6 iss.  Ind. 4.20 5.00 Detroit Free Press (Sun 2.50-2.50) .. 6 iss.  Dem. 5.00 2.00 Dial, Chi. (n. 1.60) (F.P. 50) ......... s-m Lit. 1.85 1.00 Dietetic & Hygenic Gazette, N.Y. .............. m .75 1.00 Dogdom, Battle Creek .......................... m .85 .50 Dog Fancier, Battle Creek ..................... m .45 4.00 Dolphin, Phila. ........................... m Lit. 3.25 2.00 Donahoe’s Mag., Boston (F.P. .50) ........ m R.C. 1.65 1.00 Dominant, N.Y. (F.P. 50) ................. m Mus. 1.00 1.00 Draftsman ..................................... m .90 4.00 Dramatic Mirror ............................... w 3.40 4.00 Dramatic News, New York ....................... w 3.40 4.00 Drover’s Journal, Chi. (w. .50-.35) .. 6 iss L.S. 3.25 1.00 Drover’s Telegram, Kansas City ........... w L.S. .80 2.00 Drover’s Telegram, (6 iss. 4.00-3.20) tri-w L.S. 1.65 1.50 Druggists’ Circular, N.Y. (n. 1.30) .... m Drugs. 1.50 5.00 Dry Goods Economist ...................... w Com. 5.00

FOR HARPER’S MAGAZINE SEND ME ONLY $3.35 The great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.

Pub.  Price                                           Our Price
8.00  Dry Goods Reporter, Chicago ............. w Com.   3.00
2.00  Dun’s Review, N.Y. .................... w Finan.   1.75
8.00  Dubuque Telegraph Herald(s-w. 100-90) 6 iss Dem.   2.60
1.00  Dubuque (Iowa) Times (n .85) ............ w Rep.    .90
8.00  Dubuque (Iowa) Times (n. 2.55) ...... 6 iss Rep.   2.85
5.00  Duluth Evening Herald ............ 6 issues Ind.   4.25
5.00  Duluth News Tribune .............. 7 issues Rep.   4.25


1.00  Eastern Star, Indianapolis ................... m    .75
8.00  Eclectic Magazine, Boston ............... m Lit.   2.75
5.00  Economic Journal, McMillan’s ................. q   4.25
2.50  Economic Studies, N.Y. .................... bi-m   2.25
5.00  Economist (n. 4.25) .......................... w   5.00
4.00  Edinburg Review (reprint) N.Y. .......... q Lit.   3.05
My agents must charge 4.00 for the above.
1.00  Educational Gazette, Syracuse ........... 10 nos    .75
8.00  Education, Boston (n. 2.50) ........ 10 nos Edu.   2.90
Education (new) in class C
with Leslies’ and Harper’s Bazar .............   3.00
with Journal of Education ....................   3.75
with World’s Work and Harper’s Bazar .........   4.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 
Everybody’s may be added to any club for One Dollar

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.