Bart Ridgeley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about Bart Ridgeley.

Bart Ridgeley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 356 pages of information about Bart Ridgeley.

“Never!” Sensation.

“Why did you go to him?”

“I had a little acquaintance with him, and had great confidence in him.  I wanted to consult somebody, and I went to him.”  He went on to say that he consulted him as a lawyer and not as a friend; that when he told Ridgeley of the association, which was drawn out of him by a cross-examination, Ridgeley told him at once, that while he would not use this against the witness, he certainly would against his associates.  That soon after Mr. Wade came in, and he found out that Ridgeley had managed to send for him.  That Ridgeley then insisted that he should tell the whole story to Mr. Wade, and he did.  That Wade called in a United States Deputy Marshal, and induced the witness to make an affidavit, when the Marshal went to Columbus, got warrants, and arrested Brown and others.

He was asked what fee he paid young Ridgeley, and he answered, nothing.  He offered him a liberal fee, and he refused it.  He understood Ridgeley had gone East, but did not know; nor who furnished him with money.

The prosecution rested.

Wade was present, and Bissell called him; and in answer to Wilder, said he proposed to contradict Greer.  Wilder replied, that although he was not entitled to such a privilege, yet he had no objection; and Wade, in the most emphatic way, corroborated Greer throughout.  He said that Ridgeley was at that time at the Albany law-school, and would soon be back to answer for himself; and when asked if he was not poor, answered, that friends always came to such young men, with a glance at the bench, where Markham sat with Humphrey.  The perfect desperation of his case alone warranted Bissell in calling Wade, with whose testimony the trial closed; and on the verdict of guilty, Myers was sentenced to the Penitentiary for ten years.  And for the third or fourth time Barton’s acquaintances were disposed to regard him as a hero.



It was not in nature, particularly in young man-nature, that such a creature as Julia should ripen into womanhood without lovers.  In her little circle of Newbury, boys and girls loved her much alike, and with few shades of difference on account of sex.  No youth of them dreamed of becoming her suitor; not even Barton, whom I have sketched in vain, if it is not apparent that it would not have been over presumption in him, to dream of anything.

Of the numerous, and more or less accomplished young men from other places, who had met and admired her, two had somewhat singled themselves out, as her admirers, both of whom, I fear, had a good way passed the pleasant, though dangerous, line of admiration.

Project Gutenberg
Bart Ridgeley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.