Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.

Ancient Nahuatl Poetry eBook

Daniel Garrison Brinton
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Ancient Nahuatl Poetry.

18.  Within the house of flowers the Lord of the Waters, of the Gate of the Waters, answers thee, has answered thee.

19.  Can tinemi noteouh ipalnemohuani mitztemohua in quemmanian y mocanitlaocoyan, nicuicanitlhuia, zan ni mitzahuiltiaya ohuiyan tililiyanco huia ohuaya ohuaya.

19.  Where thou livest, my beloved, the Giver of Life sends down upon thee sometimes things of sadness; but I, the singer, shall make thee glad in the place of difficulty, in the place of cumber.

20.  In zan ca izqui xochitl in quetzalizqui xochitl pixahui ye nican xopancalaitec i tlacuilolcalitec, zan nimitzahahuiltiaya ohui.

20.  Here are the many flowers, the beauteous flowers, rained down within the house of spring, within its painted house, and I with them shall make thee glad.

21.  O anqui ye oncan Tlaxcala, ayahue, chalchiuhtetzilacuicatoque in huehuetitlan ohuaye, xochin poyon ayiahue Xicontencatl teuctli in Tizatlacatzin in camaxochitzin cuicatica y melelquiza xochiticaya on chielo itlatol ohuay icelteotl ohuaya.

21.  O, you there in Tlaxcala, you have played like sweet bells upon your drums, even like brilliantly colored flowers.  There was Xicontecatl, lord of Tizatlan, the rosy-mouthed, whose songs gave joy like flowers, who listened to the words of the one only God.

22.  O, anqui nohuia y, ye mochan ipalnemohua xochipetlatl ye noca xochitica on tzauhticac oncan mitztlatlauhtia in tepilhua ohuaya.

22.  Thy house, O Giver of Life is in all places; its mats are of flowers, finely spun with flowers, where thy children pray to thee.

23.  In nepapan xochiquahuitl onicac, aya, huehuetitlan a a yiahue, can canticaya quetzaltica malintimani, ya, yecxochitl motzetzeloaya ohuaya ohuaya.

23.  A rain of various flowers falls where stands the drum, beauteous wreaths entwine it, sweet flowers are poured down around it.

24.  Can quetzatzal petlacoatl yepac o, ye nemi coyoltototl cuicatinemiya, can quinanquili teuctli ya, conahuiltianquauhtloocelotl ohuaya ohuaya.

24.  Where the brilliant scolopender basks, the coyol bird scatters abroad its songs, answering back the nobles, rejoicing in their prowess and might.

25.  Xochitzetzeliuhtoc y, niconnetolilo antocnihuan huehuetitlan ai on chielo can nontlamati toyollo yehua ohuaya ohuaya.

25.  Scattering flowers I rejoice you, dear friends, with my drum, awaiting what comes to our minds.

26.  In zan ca yehuan Dios tlaxic, ya, caquican yehual temoya o ilhuicatl itic, y, cuicatihuitz, y, quinanquilia o, angelotin ontlapitztihuitzteaya oyiahue yaia o o ohuaya ohuaya.

26.  It reaches even to God, he hears it seeking him within the heavens, the song comes and the angels answer, playing on their flutes.

27.  Zan ninentlamatia can niquauhtenco ayahue can. * * *

27.  But I am sad within this wood.


Project Gutenberg
Ancient Nahuatl Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.