Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.

Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.


Tabular standard,
Taft, William Howard,
Tariff, changes and crises, and wages, and unemployment, reductions, harm of, board, a permanent, history, American, rates, for revenue, “true principle” of, “competitive principle” of, and business depressions,
Task work,
Taxation, objects and principles of, revenues from, forms of, as a public question, separation of, system of,
Taxes, effect upon property valuations, property and corporation,
Taylor’s premium plan,
Tenancy on farms,
Tilden, Samuel J.,
Time work,
Trade education,
Trade unions, see also Organized labor,
Transportation, taxes on,
Trant, on trade unions,
Trust company,
Trust, definition, see Monopoly,
Two-profits argument,


Underwood tariff,
Unemployment, in crises, insurance,
Unfair practices,
Usance of wealth, of labor,
Usury laws,


Van Hise, C.R.,


Wage contract, limitation of,
Wage-system, growth of, practicability of,
Wages, and tariff, and general prices,
general, and organization, particular, and organization, maladjustment of, and unemployment, and immigration, see Immigration, see also Hours and wages,
Walker, Francis A.,
Walker tariff,
Washington, Booker T.,
Wealth, the nation’s, taxation of,
“Wealth of Nations”,
Weir’s premium plan,
Wild-cat banking,
Wilson tariff act,
Wilson, Woodrow,
Wolman, L.,
Women, working day for,
Wyman, Bruce,

Project Gutenberg
Modern Economic Problems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.