Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.

Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.


National banks, ownership,
National Monetary Commission,
Negro problem,
Natural agents, and monopoly,
Newlands act,


Old-age pensions,
Open shop,
Organized labor, and legislation,
Ownership of farms,


Paper money,
Par of exchange,
Paradox of value,
Payne-Aldrich tariff,
Personal taxes,
Piece work,
Police state,
Political, money, aspects of labor, aspect of railroads,
Population, agricultural and rural, and immigration,
Postal savings,
Precious metals as money,
Premium plans,
Price, standard, common market,
Prices, general level, changes in, rising, and international trade, and monopoly,
Profit sharing,
Profits from monopoly,
Progressive taxes, see graduation,
Promoters of monopoly,
Property, private, taxes on, tax on, concept,
Property tax, general,
Protection, “true principle” of,
Protective, tariff, policy of, tariffs, prevalence of, railroad rates,
Public finance, view of trade unions, and labor legislation, inspection, ownership,
Public utility commissions,
Public utilities, monopolistic nature of,


Quantity theory of money,


Race problems,
Railroad mileage, building, problem, commissions,
Resources, material, of the nation,
Reserve, cities, plan of insurance,
Reserves, bank, against notes, against deposits,
Restraint of trade,
Revenue tariff,
Ricardo, David,
Rich man’s panic,
Ripley, W.Z.,
Roberts, Peter,
Roosevelt, Theodore,
Root, Elihu,
Rowan’s premium plan,
Rural, definition, exodus,


Saturation point of money,
Saving, and investment,
Savings, banks, deposits, insurance assets as,
“Scientific” socialism,
Seasonal fluctuations, and unemployment,
Seigniorage, charge,
Seligman, E.R.A.,
Sherman Anti-trust law,
Shifting and incidence, of insurance premiums,
Shorter working day,
Sickness, insurance against,
Single tax,
Smith Adam,
Social, legislation, protective policy of immigration, agricultural policy, effects of inheritance,
Social insurance, by trade unions,
Social utility,
Social welfare, in taxation, and shorter working day,
Socialism, some aspects of, meanings of, philosophic, active,
 Marxian, political, “scientific”,
Socialist, party, vote,
Standard money, defined, see also Deferred payments,
State, sphere of, insurance, ownership,
Strike, right to,

Project Gutenberg
Modern Economic Problems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.