Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.

Modern Economic Problems eBook

Frank Fetter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about Modern Economic Problems.


Gambling, uneconomic character of,
Gantt’s premium plan,
Gardner Land Bank Act,
Garfield, James A.,
Ghent, unemployment insurance,
General property tax, see Property
George, Henry,
Glass-Owen bill,
Glut theories of crises,
Gold-exchange standard,
Gold, production, standard, defectiveness of,
Gold-using countries,
Goldenweiser, E.A.,
Governmental aid to railroads,
Graduated taxation,
Graduation principle,
Gresham’s law,


Hadley, A.T.,
Halsey’s premium plan,
Hamilton, Alexander,
Hancock, Gen. Winfield Scott,
Harrison, Benjamin,
Hayes, Rutherford B.,
Home market argument,
Housing problem,
Hours and wages, public regulation of,


Immigrants, and organized labor,
Immigration, and low wages, and population, economic aspects of, and wages, and farming,
Imports into the U.S. chart,
Income, taxation, federal, taxes,
Independent treasury,
Index numbers, chart,
Industrial revenues of government, remuneration, methods of, monopoly, problem of, trust, nature of growth, depressions, see Crises
Infant industry argument,
Inheritance, taxes, limitations of,
Interest rate, and deferred payments, and prices, in crises,
Insurance, principles of, companies, taxes on, against unemployment,
Internal revenue,
International exchange, equation of,
International trade,
Interstate Commerce Act,
Invalidity pensions,
Investment banking,


Jackson, Andrew,
Jenks, J.W.,
Justice in taxation,


Kemmerer, E.W.,
Knights of Labor,


Labor, legislation, and social legislation, exchanges, see Employment offices
Land, taxation, reform of, banks,
Large production, in public utilities,
Large industry,
Lassalle, Ferdinand,
Leclaire, profit sharing,
Legal tender,
Loans, governmental,
Lump of labor notion,


McKinley Act,
McKinley, William,
Market, public,
Materialistic philosophy,
Marx, Karl,
Merchandise, imports and exports,
Militarism, and population,
Military power, maximum,
Mill, J.S.,
Minimum wage,
Mitchell, Wesley C.,
Monetary economy, system, theory of crises,
Money, nature, use, and coinage, value of, quantity theory, per capita circulation, fiduciary, commodity,
Monopolistic nature of protection,
Monopoly, and labor organization, in railroads, industrial, prices, public policy in respect to, in public utilities,
Moody, John,
Moral judgments of monopoly,
More, Sir Thomas,
Morris, William,
Mortality table for insurance,
Mortgage taxation,
Municipal ownership,

Project Gutenberg
Modern Economic Problems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.