Delsarte System of Oratory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about Delsarte System of Oratory.

Delsarte System of Oratory eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 452 pages of information about Delsarte System of Oratory.

Following a diagonal from the bottom to the top and from left to right, we meet the most expressive form of the species, whether eccentric, normal or concentric, marked by the figures 1-I, 3-III, 2-II, and by the abbreviations Ecc.-ecc. (Eccentro-eccentric), Norm.-norm.  (Normo-normal), Conc.-conc. (Concentro-concentric).  It is curious to remark how upon this diagonal the organic manifestations corresponding to the soul, that is to love, are found in the midst, to link the expressive forms of life and mind.

This chart sums up all the essential forms which can affect the organism.  This is a universal algebraic formula, by which we can solve all organic problems.  We apply it to the hand, to the shoulder, to the eyes, to the voice—­in a word, to all the agents of oratorical language.  For example, it suffices to know the eccentro-eccentric form of the hand, of the eyes; and we reserve it for the appropriate occasion.

All the figures accompanying the text of this work are only reproductions of this chart affected by such or such a particular organ.  A knowledge of this criterion gives to our studies not only simplicity, clearness and facility, but also mathematical precision.

In proposing the accord of nine formed by the figure 3 multiplied into itself, it must be understood that we give the most elementary, most usual and least complicated terms.  Through natural and successive subdivisions we can arrive at 81 terms.  Thus multiply 9 by 3; the number 27 gives an accord of 27 terms, which can again be multiplied by 3 to reach 81.  Or rather let us multiply 9 by 9, and we in like manner obtain 81 terms, which become the end of the series.  This is the alpha and omega of all human science. Huc usque venies, et ibi confringes tumentes fluctus tuos. ("Thus far shalt thou come, and here shall thy proud waves be stayed.”)

It is well to remark that this criterion is applied to all possible phenomena, both in the arts and sciences.  This is reason, universal synthesis.  All phenomena, spiritual as well as material, must be considered under three or nine aspects, or not be understood.  Three genera and nine species; three and nine in everything and everywhere; three and nine, these are the notes echoed by all beings.  We do not fear to affirm that this criterion is divine, since it conforms to the nature of beings.  Then, with this compass in hand, let us explore the vast field of oratorical art, and begin with the voice.

NOTE TO THE STUDENT.—­Do not go on without a perfect understanding of this explanation of the criterion, as well as the exposition of our method which closes the preface.

Chapter II.

Of The Voice.

The whole secret of captivating an audience by the charms of the voice, consists in a practical knowledge of the laws of sound, inflection, respiration and silence.  The voice first manifests itself through sound; inflection is an intentional modification of sound; respiration and silence are a means of falling exactly upon the suitable tone and inflection.

Project Gutenberg
Delsarte System of Oratory from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.