The Gentleman from Everywhere eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about The Gentleman from Everywhere.

The Gentleman from Everywhere eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 216 pages of information about The Gentleman from Everywhere.

The savage tried to grasp his gun, but, unable, was about to give the whoop of alarm, when the youth clapped his hand over the vast mouth; the red man subsided, was quickly gagged and tied to a tree.

“Now, darling, to our boat,” and into it they jumped, and Henry bent to his oars with all his might.  On they sped in their light canoe, these two hearts beating as one, towards liberty and the loved ones waiting to welcome them in the white man’s home.  “Dearest Sunbeam,” said Henry, resting for a moment on his oars, “soon you will be the fairest flower in my garden of home.”

“Oh, Henry,” was the faint reply, “I am but a simple Indian girl, and I know so little.”

“But it will be our delight to live and learn together,” said Henry, “for—­

  “’Thou art all to me, love, for which my heart did pine,
  A green isle in the sea, love, a fountain and a shrine.’”

On they glided, out of that paradise of nature, where every prospect pleases, and naught but man is vile.  Sunbeam left the place of her nativity without a lingering glance behind, for there she had been nothing but an unwelcome girl.

In a pretty cottage in Lawtey, you may now see Sunbeam, the Seminole, wife of a successful planter, Henry Lee, beloved by all who know her, surrounded by orange groves and fragrant flowers in that land of perpetual bloom.



My ship of life was laden to the water’s edge with labors of varying utility.  We founded the Apollo Club, a musical and literary organization including in its membership the most prominent men and women of the city; we gave entertainments with our orchestra, singing society, and costumed dramatic stars, which gave us ample funds to pay for numerous delightful steamboat excursions, sleigh-rides and picnics, while developing our latent talents, and greatly enhancing the social life of our community.

I refer to this with much pleasure, as it led to the formation of similar societies in many surrounding towns, much to the benefit of all concerned.  I made an elaborate report of my Florida observations which was printed entire by the United States Department of Agriculture, widely distributed, and stimulated many to benefit their condition by securing comfortable homes in that land of fruits, flowers and delightful climate.

That year the angel world sent us our bright-eyed, smiling little Elizabeth, thus making our trio of sweet singers a quartette to share our joys and lessen our sorrows, coming like the dews from that heaven to which we all return when our mission to refresh and inspire the earth life is ended.  It is interesting to note the varying definitions of the word, baby, which have floated down to us in the literature of all nations.  Here are some of them which I have culled from various authors: 

    “A tiny feather from the wing of love, dropped into the sacred lap
    of motherhood.”

Project Gutenberg
The Gentleman from Everywhere from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.