The Gate of the Giant Scissors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about The Gate of the Giant Scissors.

The Gate of the Giant Scissors eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about The Gate of the Giant Scissors.

So from far and near, indeed from almost every country under the sun, came knights and princes to fight the Ogre.  One by one their brave heads were cut off and stuck on poles along the moat that surrounded the castle.

Still the beautiful Princess languished in her prison.  Every night at sunset she was taken up to the roof for a glimpse of the sky, and told to bid good-by to the sun, for the next morning would surely be her last.  Then she would wring her lily-white hands and wave a sad farewell to her home, lying far to the westward.  When the knights saw this they would rush down to the chasm and sound a challenge to the Ogre.

They were brave men, and they would not have feared to meet the fiercest wild beasts, but many shrunk back when the Ogre came rushing out.  They dared not meet in single combat, this monster with the gnashing teeth, each one of which was as big as a millston.

Among those who drew back were Ethelried’s brothers (the three that were dark and the three that were fair).  They would not acknowledge their fear.  They said, “We are only waiting to lay some wily plan to capture the Ogre.”

[Illustration:  The Princess.]

After several days Ethelried reached the place on foot.  “See him,” laughed one of the brothers that was dark to one that was fair.  “He comes afoot; no prancing steed, no waving plumes, no trusty sword; little and lorn, he is not fit to be called a brother to princes.”

But Ethelried heeded not their taunts.  He dashed across the drawbridge, and, opening his scissors, cried: 

     “Giant scissors, rise in power! 
     Grant me my heart’s desire this hour!”

The crowds on the other side held their breath as the Ogre rushed out, brandishing a club as big as a church steeple.  Then Whack!  Bang!  The blows of the scissors, warding off the blows of the mighty club, could be heard for miles around.

At last Ethelried became so exhausted that he could scarcely raise his hand, and it was plain to be seen that the scissors could not do battle much longer.  By this time a great many people, attracted by the terrific noise, had come running up to the moat.  The news had spread far and wide that Ethelried was in danger; so every one whom he had ever served dropped whatever he was doing, and ran to the scene of the battle.  The peasant was there, and the shepherd, and the lords and beggars and high-born dames, all those whom Ethelried had ever befriended.

As they saw that the poor Prince was about to be vanquished, they all began a great lamentation, and cried out bitterly.

“He saved my harvest,” cried one.  “He found my lamb,” cried another.  “He showed me a greater kindness still,” shouted a third.  And so they went on, each telling of some unselfish service that the Prince had rendered him.  Their voices all joined at last into such a roar of gratitude that the scissors were given fresh strength on account of it.  They grew longer and longer, and stronger and stronger, until with one great swoop they sprang forward and cut the ugly old Ogre’s head from his shoulders.

Project Gutenberg
The Gate of the Giant Scissors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.