Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 43 pages of information about Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures.

Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 43 pages of information about Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures.

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Boil the terrapin for one hour, and clean carefully.  Rub into a paste the yolks of six hard-boiled eggs, half the white of one egg chopped, one tablespoonful of butter, one teaspoonful of flour, three whole cloves, salt, pepper, cayenne and mace.  Place the terrapin into a stewpan with a glass of sherry or madeira and the prepared paste.  Cook slowly for twenty minutes.  Add three glasses of sherry and madeira and allow it to boil once, when it is ready to serve.

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Frogs a la Poulette

Joint the hind legs and backs of twelve frogs; put in a closely covered saucepan with some truffles, a small can of mushrooms sliced, a glass of white wine, salt, white pepper, cayenne, mace and four ounces of butter.  Stew gently fifteen minutes, stirring once or twice.  If then tender, add one teaspoonful cornstarch rubbed into one ounce of butter.  Let it cook two minutes, take from the fire and stir in the yolks of six eggs beaten well with one-half cup of cream.  Place this mixture where it will keep hot without cooking.  Cut the crust from a loaf of bread, scoop out the center, brush with butter and brown in the oven.  Pour the frogs legs and sauce into the bread cup, garnish with mushrooms and truffles.

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Calves’ Head en Tortue

Simmer a calves’ head for two hours.  Tie the brains in a cloth, put them in the saucepan with the head and cook two hours longer.  Then extract the bones and cut the meat in pieces, return it to the saucepan without the brains, adding two ounces of butter, two dozen stoned olives, one dozen cloves, salt, pepper, cayenne, and a cup of white wine.  Cook for one hour, then add the brains cut in bits, the shaved peel and piece of one lemon and three hard-boiled eggs sliced.  Cook thirty minutes.  Thicken the sauce with flour rubbed into butter and serve with the calves’ head.

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Chops a la Reine

Trim twelve lamb chops very closely and fry lightly in six ounces of butter.  Remove them and in the same butter place two onions, sliced, four green peppers minced, one can of mushrooms minced, and two stalks of celery chopped; salt, pepper, cayenne, and the juice of a lime.  Cook until these ingredients are soft.  Stir in six ounces of flour.  Then add two cups of milk and cook until the mixture is thick and smooth.  Dust a plate with cracker crumbs and on this place a spoonful of the fried mixture.  Place a chop on top of this, cover it with another spoonful of the mixture and dust with cracker crumbs.  Repeat with each chop, and when cold roll each in beaten egg and cracker crumbs, and fry a light brown.

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Calves’ Feet a la Marechale

Project Gutenberg
Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.