Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 43 pages of information about Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures.

Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 43 pages of information about Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures.

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Egg Sauce

Beat two ounces of butter to a froth.  Mix into it one tablespoonful of flour and the yolk of one egg.  Pour a cup of hot water of this batter, stirring constantly.  Heat over the fire until it is thick and smooth, but be careful not to boil.  Just before serving stir in two hard boiled eggs finely chopped.

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Celery Sauce

Put in a stewpan with salt, cayenne and a blade of mace, three grated heads of celery.  Cover with boiling water.  Boil ten minutes and drain.  Return to the fire with enough veal stock to cover the celery and stew half an hour.  Then add two ounces of butter rolled in flour, and half a cup of cream.  Shake over the fire a minute or two and serve at once.

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Devil for Boiled Ham or Fowl

Put in a saucepan half a teacupful of soup stock, three ounces of butter, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of made mustard, two teaspoonfuls of French mustard, two cloves of garlic chopped fine, one onion chopped, two green peppers and one pickeled gherkin chopped, one tomato peeled and cut up, the juice of half a lime and half a lime cut in thin slices.  Simmer for one hour, then add the following:  One tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one of Imperial sauce, one of Tarragon vinegar, two of Bon Gout sauce, two of mushroom catsup, two of walnut catsup and two tablespoonfuls of chutney, add half a pint of sherry and simmer for fifteen minutes.

This will keep several months.

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Onion Sauce

Boil three good sized onions, one hour.  Drain and put in a stewpan with one-half pint of milk and one teaspoonful of salt.  Simmer for fifteen minutes, then rub through a sieve and put back in the pan with one-half pint of cream and one ounce of butter.

Simmer ten minutes and serve very hot.

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Garlic Sauce

Rub together in a mortar until smooth, two ounces of butter, two cloves of garlic and one teaspoonful of salt.  Add a tablespoonful of lime juice and one-half a pint of melted butter.  Beat until light and smooth, when it is ready to serve.

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Melted Butter

Take one pint of milk and one teaspoonful of salt; when it boils stir into it three ounces of butter, a little cayenne and two tablespoonfuls of flour rubbed into it.  Let it boil one minute and serve at once.

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Salad Dressing Without Oil

Put in a double saucepan the yolks of three eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, pepper, cayenne, and one tablespoonful of dry mustard.  Mix well and sift in two tablespoonfuls of flour.  Add three tablespoonfuls of vinegar and four of water.  Stir until quite smooth.  Place over the fire, stirring continually one way.  As soon as it thickens remove from the fire and beat in three ounces of butter.  Use when cool.

Project Gutenberg
Joe Tilden's Recipes for Epicures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.