Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Lighted to Lighten.

Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Lighted to Lighten.

The old man, for years autocrat of the village, bows to the will of his youngest child, fearing the jeers of relatives, yet unable to withstand.

No, Pushpam did not remain single.  In men’s colleges the same ferment is going on, and when a suitor came he said, “I want you for yourself, not for the gold that you might bring.”  He married Pushpam, and their joy of Christian service is not shadowed by the financial distress brought upon the father’s house.

Mary Smith asked to be shown the justification of college education for Indian girls.  Is it good?  The College of the Sunflower has its home in dignified and seemly buildings set in a tropical garden.  Does its beauty draw students away from the world of active life, or send them with fresh strength to share its struggles.  Pushpam has given one answer.  Another one may find in the college report of 1921 with its register of graduates.  Name after name rolls out its story of busy lives—­married women, who are housemakers and also servants of the public weal; government inspectresses of schools, who tour around “the district,” bringing new ideas and encouragement to isolated schools; teachers and teachers, and yet more teachers, in government and mission schools, and schools under private management.  Only six years of existence, and yet the Sunflower has opened so wide, the Lamp has lighted so many candles in dim corners.  Will the Mary Smiths of America do their part that the next six years may be bigger and better than the last?

The spirit of Madras Students is shown in the following extracts from personal letters written to former teachers: 


“Last week we had the special privilege of hearing Mr. and Mrs. Annett, of India Sunday School Union.  The last day Mr. Annett showed how we can lead our children to Christ and make them accept Christ as their Master.  That is the aim of religious education.  My heart thrilled within me when I heard Mr. Annett in his last lecture confirm what I had thought out as principles in teaching and training the young, and I found my eyes wet.  But the very faith which Jesus had in people and which triumphs over all impossibilities I am trying to have.  I have patiently turned to the girls and am trying to help them in their lives.  The Christ power in me is revealing to me many things since I surrendered to Him my will.  He is showing me what mighty works one can do through intercessory prayer which I try to do with many failings.

“Politics have lately been very interesting to me.  Rather I have been forced to enter in.  You will have read or heard of the new movement in India that sprang up early in September.  Gandhi is the leader.  I have some clippings to send you.  It is not about that I wish to write, but about the remarkable way India is repressing the movement.  The Panjab, the province for which sympathy is called for and the one which affords the cause for non-co-operation, has thrown up Gandhi’s scheme and her sons are standing for council elections.  No Indian can help being thrilled over the nominations and elections for legislative councils and councils of state, which are to assemble in January according to the Reform Act.  Our girls are taking a keen interest in the affairs of the country and earnestly praying for her.

Project Gutenberg
Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.