The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4.

The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 228 pages of information about The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4.
with speed, Dhananjaya struck him on the head between the temples with an iron arrow of great impetus shot from the bow-string stretched to the ear.  And like the thunderbolt hurled by Indra splitting a mountain, that arrow furnished with vulturine wings, shot by Partha, penetrated, up to the very feathers, into the body of that elephant huge as hill.  And sorely afflicted by the shaft, that lord of the elephant species began to tremble, and deprived of strength fell down on the ground in intense anguish, like the peak of mountain riven by thunder.  And that best of elephants falling down on the earth, Vikarna suddenly alighting in great terror, ran back full eight hundred paces and ascended on the car of Vivingsati.  And having slain with that thunder-like arrow that elephant huge as a mighty hill and looking like a mass of clouds, the son of Pritha smote Duryodhana in the breast with another arrow of the same kind.  And both the elephant and the king having thus been wounded, and Vikarna having broken and fled along with the supporters of the king’s car, the other warriors, smitten with the arrows shot from the Gandiva, fled from the field in panic.  And beholding the elephant slain by Partha, and all the other warriors running away, Duryodhana, the foremost of the Kurus, turning away his car precipitately fled in that direction where Partha was not.  And when Duryodhana was fast running away in alarm, pierced by that arrow and vomitting forth blood, Kiritin, still eager for battle and capable of enduring every enemy, thus censured him from wrath, ’Sacrificing thy great fame and glory, why dost thou fly away, turning thy back?  Why are not those trumpets sounded now, as they were when thou hadst set out from thy kingdom?  Lo, I am an obedient servant of Yudhishthira, myself being the third son of Pritha, standing here for battle.  Turn back, show me thy face, O son of Dhritarashtra, and bear in thy mind the behaviour of kings.  The name Duryodhana bestowed on thee before is hereby rendered meaningless.  When thou runnest away, leaving the battle, where is thy persistence in battle?  Neither do I behold thy body-guards, O Duryodhana, before nor behind.  O foremost of men, fly thou away and save thy life which is dear from the hands of Pandu’s son.’”


Vaisampayana said, “Thus summoned to battle by the illustrious hero, Dhritarashtra’s son turned back stung by those censures, like an infuriate and mighty elephant pricked by a hook.  And stung by those reproaches and unable to bear them, that mighty and brave car-warrior endued with great swiftness, turned back on his car, like a snake that is trampled under foot.  And beholding Duryodhana turn back with his wounds, Karna, that hero among men, decked with a golden necklace, stopped the king on the way and soothing him, himself proceeded along the north of Duryodhana’s car to meet Partha in battle.  And the mighty-armed Bhishma also, the son of Santanu,

Project Gutenberg
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Bk. 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.