Love under Fire eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about Love under Fire.

Love under Fire eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 308 pages of information about Love under Fire.

“I do,” earnestly.

“And I am going to clinch that faith,” opening the door into the hall.  “Major Hardy, just a moment.”

He turned back from the open window, his face flushed with excitement.

“The stragglers are beginning to show up,” he exclaimed pointing, “and the boys are fighting like hell out there beyond those woods.  And—­and see that dust cloud over yonder; by all the gods, it will be Chambers coming up at last!”

“Then hurry here; I want to ask you just one question for your daughter’s sake:  Were you my second in the duel this morning?”


“Why didn’t you tell me, papa?  Why didn’t you explain that Lieutenant Galesworth was not to blame?”

“Well, I didn’t want you to feel any worse than you did.  You and Le Gaire were going to be married, and I supposed you cared a good deal for him.  Someway I couldn’t make myself talk about it, Billie; that’s all.”

Her eyes sought mine, but just then Miles appeared in the hall, halting with a salute as he caught sight of me.

“Nobody in the attic, sir, but things are getting pretty warm outside,” he reported anxiously.

“The way is still open toward the ravine, Sergeant.  Get your men together in the front hall at once.  Never mind the prisoners; the major will release them after we have gone.”

His heels came together with a click, and he strode to the head of the stairs.

“By the way, Sergeant,” I called after him, “did you have a guard posted in the upper hall here this morning?”

“A guard?  No, sir.”

“Were you aware that any of our men had been up stairs since last evening?”

“None of them have, sir; I’m cocksure of that.”  “That’s all, Sergeant; be lively now.”  My eyes turned toward Billie, and she held out both her hands.

“If we never know the truth, Lieutenant Galesworth,” she said softly, “I shall believe all you have told me.”



Her eyes were an invitation, a plea, yet with the major at her side, his face full of wonderment, and Bell close behind us in the hall, I could only bow low over the white hands, and murmur some commonplace.  There was neither opportunity nor time for more, although I felt my own deep disappointment was mirrored in the girl’s face.  The continuous roar of guns without, already making conversation difficult, and the hurried tramp of feet in the hall below, told the danger of delay.  It was a moment when the soldier had to conquer the lover, and stern duty became supreme.  I hurried to the front window, and gazed out; then to others, thus making a thorough survey of our surroundings, quickly making up my mind to a definite plan of action.  So swiftly had occurrences pressed upon me I had scarcely found time before to realize the rapid approach of this new danger.  Now it burst upon me in all its impending horror.  Already the results of battle were visible.

Project Gutenberg
Love under Fire from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.