Folklore of the Santal Parganas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 578 pages of information about Folklore of the Santal Parganas.

Folklore of the Santal Parganas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 578 pages of information about Folklore of the Santal Parganas.

XXIV.  The Oilman’s Bullock.

There was once a poor but industrious oilman; he got a log of wood and carved out an oil mill and, borrowing some money as capital, he bought mustard and sesame seed and set to work to press it; as he had no bullock he had to turn the mill himself.  He was so industrious that he soon began to prosper and was able to buy a bullock for his mill.  By and bye he got so rich that he was able to buy some land and a cart and pair of bullocks and was quite a considerable man in the village.  One day one of his cart bullocks died and this loss was a sad blow to the oilman.  However he tied up the surviving bullock in the stable along with the old oil mill bullock and fed them well.  One night it chanced that one of the villagers passed by the stable and hear the two animals talking and this is what he heard.

The young bullock said “You came to this house first, friend; what sort of treatment does one get here?”

“Why do you ask me?” said the other.  “Oh, I see your shoulder is galled and your neck shows mark of the yoke.”  The old bullock answered “Whether my master treats me well or ill I owe him money and have to stay here until I have paid him off.  When I have paid him five hundred rupees I shall go.”  “How will you ever pay back such a sum?” “If my master would only match me to fight the Raja’s elephant for five hundred rupees I should win the fight and my debt would be cleared; and if he does not do that I shall probably have to work for him all my life.  How long do you intend to stay?” “My debt will be cleared if I work for him two years” answered the new comer.

The man who overheard this conversation was much astonished and went off to the oilman and told him all about it.  Next day the whole village had heard of it and they were all anxious for the oilman to match his bullock against the Raja’s elephant; but the oilman was very frightened, for he feared that if he sent such a challenge, the Raja would be angry with him and drive him out of the country.  But the leading villagers urged him and undertook to find the money if he lost, and to persuade the Raja that the oilman was mad, if he became angry with him.  At last the oilman consented, provided that some of the villagers went to the Raja and proposed the match; he was too frightened to go himself.  So two of the village elders went to the Raja and asked him to match his elephant against the oilman’s bullock for five hundred rupees; the Raja was very much amused and at once fixed a day for the fight.  So they returned and told the oilman to be ready and raised a subscription of five hundred rupees.

The evening before the contest the oilman gave the bullock a big feed of meal and oilcake; and on the eventful morning the villagers all collected and watched him oiling its horns and tying a bell round its neck.  Then the oilman gave the bullock a slap on its back and said “Take care:  you are going to fight an elephant; if you owe me so much money you will win, and if not, then you will be defeated.”  When he said this the bullock pawed the ground and snorted and put down its head.

Project Gutenberg
Folklore of the Santal Parganas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.