The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

PREFI’X, v.a. appoint beforehand; settle; establish; put before
    another thing

PRELI’MINARY, a. previous; introductory

PREJUDICE, s. prepossession; judgment formed beforehand; mischief;

PREPARATION, s. anything made by process of operation; previous

PREROGATIVE, s. an exclusive or peculiar privilege

PRE’SCIENT, a. foreknowing; prophetic

PRESENT, a. not past; not future; ready at hand; not absent; being
    face to face; being now in view

PRESE’NT, v.a. offer; exhibit

PRESE’RVE, v.a. save; keep; defend from destruction or any evil

PRESU’MPTION, s. arrogance; blind confidence

PREVE’NT, v.a. hinder; obviate; obstruct

PRINCIPAL, a. chief; capital; essential; important; considerable

PRINCIPLE, s. constituent part; original cause

PRO’BABLE, a. likely

PRO’BABLY, a. very likely

PROBA’TION, s. proof; trial; noviciate

PROCEE’D, v.n. pass from one thing or place to another; go forward;
    issue; arise; carry on; act; transact

PRO’CESS, s. course of law; course

PROCE’SSION, s. a train marching in ceremonious solemnity

PRODI’GIOUS, a. enormous; amazing; monstrous

PRO’DUCE, s. amount; profit; that which anything yields or brings

PRODU’CE, v.a. offer to the view or notice; bear; cause; effect

PRODU’CTION, s. the act of producing; fruit; product; composition

PROFESSION, s. vocation; known employment

PROFU’SE, a. lavish; too liberal

PROFUSION, s. extravagance; abundance

PRO’GRESS, s. course; advancement; motion forward

PROHI’BIT, v.a. forbid; debar; hinder

PROJE’CT, v.a. throw out; scheme; contrive; form in the mind

PRO’PAGATE, v.a. extend; widen; promote

PRO’PER, a. fit; exact; peculiar

PRO’PHECY, s. a declaration of something to come

PROPHE’TIC, a. foreseeing or foretelling future events

PROPORTION, s. symmetry; form; size; ratio

PROPOSITION, s. one of the three parts of a regular argument, in which
    anything is affirmed or denied; proposal

PROPRIETOR, s. possessor in his own right

PROPRI’ETY, s. accuracy; justness

PROSA’IC, a. belonging to or resembling prose

PROTE’CTOR, s. defender; supporter; guardian

PROTRU’DE, v.a. thrust forward

PROVI’DE, v.a. procure; furnish; supply; stipulate

PROVIDE’NTIAL, a. effected by Providence; referrible to Providence

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.