The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

NA’TIVE, a. original; natural

NA’TIVE, s. one born in any place

NA’TURAL, a. produced or effected by nature; not forced; tender

NA’TURALIST, s. one who studies nature, more especially as regards
    inferior animals, plants, &c.

NA’TURE, s. constitution of an animated body; regular course of
    things; disposition of mind; native state or properties of anything;
    sort; species

NAU’TICAL, a. that which relates to a sailor

NA’VIGABLE, a. capable of being passed by ships or boats

NAVIGA’TOR, s. a sailor; seaman

NE’CESSARY, a. needful

NECE’SSITY, s. compulsion; want; need; poverty

NEGO’TIATION, s. treaty of business

NEI’GHBOURHOOD, s. vicinity; place adjoining

NE’ITHER, pron. not either; nor one nor other

NICHE, s. a hollow hi which a statue may be placed

NIDIFICA’TION, s. the act of building nests

NI’MBLY, ad. quickly; speedily; actively

NI’TROUS, a. impregnated with nitre

NOBI’LITY, s. high-mindedness; the highest class of people in
    civilized life

NO’BLE, a. magnificent; great; illustrious

NO’TICE, s. remark; heed; regard; information

NOTWITHSTA’NDING, conj. although; nevertheless

NO’XIOUS, a. hurtful; harmful; baneful; guilty

NU’MBER, s. many; more than one.

NU’MBERLESS, a. more than can be reckoned

NU’MEROUS, a. containing many; consisting of many

NU’TRIMENT, s. food

OBE’DIENCE, s. submission to authority

OBE’ISANCE, s. courtesy

O’BJECT, s. that about which any power or faculty is employed

OBJE’CTION, s. adverse argument; criminal charge; fault found; the act
    of opposing anything

OBLI’QUE, a. not direct; not parallel; not perpendicular

OBLI’VION, s. forgetfulness

OBNO’XIOUS, a. hateful; hurtful; injurious

OBSERVA’TION, s. the act of observing, noticing, or remarking; note;

OBSE’RVE, v.a. watch; regard attentively note; obey; follow

O’BSTINACY, s. stubbornness

OBSTRU’CT, v.a. block up; oppose; hinder

OCCA’SION, s. occurrence; casualty; incident; opportunity; convenience

OCCA’SION, v.a. cause; produce; influence

O’CCUPY, v.a. possess; keep; take up; employ; use

OFFE’NSIVE, a. displeasing; disgusting; injurious

O’FFER, v.a. present itself; be at hand; be present

O’FFER, v.a. propose; present; sacrifice

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.