The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

LI’NEAR, a. composed of lines; having the form of lines

LI’QUID, a. not solid; fluid; soft; clear

LI’QUOR, s. anything liquid; strong drink, in familiar language

LI’STEN, v.a. hear; attend

LI’TERALLY, ad. with close adherence to words

LI’TERARY, a. respecting letters; regarding learning

LI’TERATURE, s. learning; skill in letters

LI’TURGY, s. form of prayer

LOCA’LITY, s. existence in place

LOCOMO’TIVE, a. changing place; having the power of removing or
    changing place

LO’CUST, s. a devouring insect

LU’DICROUS, a. fantastic; laughable; whimsical

LU’MINARY, a. any body which gives light

LU’MINOUS, a. shining; enlightened

LU’NAR, a. that which relates to the moon

LU’PINE, s. a kind of pulse

LUXU’RIANT, a. superfluously plentiful

MACHINE, s. an engine; any complicated work in which one part contributes to the motion of another

MACHI’NERY, s. enginery; complicated workmanship

MAGAZI’NE, s. a storehouse

MA’GICAL, a. acted or performed by secret and invisible powers

MAGNANI’MITY, s. greatness of mind

MAGNA’NIMOUS, a. of great mind; of open heart

MAGNI’FICENT, a. grand in appearance; splendid; otherwise, pompous

MAJE’STIC, a. august; having dignity; grand

MAJO’RITY, s. the state of being greater; the greater number; the
    office of a major

MALE’VOLENCE, s. ill-will; inclination to hurt others

MA’LICE, s. hatred; enmity; desire of hurting

MALI’CIOUS, a. desirous of hurting; with wicked design

MALI’GNANT, a. envious; malicious; mischievous

MALI’GNITY, s. ill-will; enmity

MA’NDIBLE, s. a jaw

MA’NKIND, s. the race or species of human beings

MA’NNER, s. form; method; way; mode; sort

MANUFA’CTORY, s. a place where a manufacture is carried on

MANOEUVRE, s. a stratagem; a trick

MARA’UDER, s. a soldier that roves in quest of plunder

MA’RGIN, s. the brink; the edge

MA’RINER, s. a seaman

MA’RITIME, a. that which relates to the sea

MA’RSHAL, v.a. arrange; rank in order

MA’RTYR, s. one who by his death bears witness to the truth

MA’RVELLOUS, a. wonderful; strange; astonishing

MA’SONRY, s. the craft or performance of a mason

MA’SSACRE, s. butchery; murder

MA’SSIVE, a. heavy; weighty; ponderous; bulky; continuous

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.