The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

INGE’NIOUS, a. witty; inventive

INGENU’ITY, s. wit; invention; genius; subtlety

INGLO’RIOUS, a. void of honour; mean; without glory

INGRA’TITUDE, s. unthankfulness

INHA’BITANT, s. dweller; one that lives in a place

INHE’RENT, a. existing in something else, so as to be inseparable from
    it; innate

INI’MITABLE, a. not able to be imitated; that which is incapable of

INJU’RIOUS, a. hurtful; baneful; capable of injuring; that which
    injures; destructive

INJU’STICE, s. iniquity; wrong

INNU’MEROUS, a. innumerable; too many to be counted

INQUI’SITIVE, a. curious; busy in search; active to pry into

INSCRI’PTION, s. something written or engraved; title

I’NSECT, s. a small animal.  Insects are so called from a separation in
    the middle of their bodies, whereby they are cut into two parts,
    which are joined together by a small ligature, as we see in wasps
    and common flies

INSE’NSIBLY, ad. imperceptibly; in such a manner as is not discovered
    by the senses

INSE’RT, v.a. place in or among other things

INSI’DIOUS, a. sly; diligent to entrap; treacherous

INSI’GNIA, s. ensigns; arms

INSIGNI’FICANT, a. unimportant

INSI’PID, a. tasteless; void of taste

INSIPI’DITY, s. want of taste; want of life or spirit

I’NSOLENCE, s. petulant contempt

INSPE’CT, v.a. to examine; to look over

INSPE’CTION, s. prying examination; superintendence

INSPIRA’TION, s. infusion of ideas into the mind by divine power; the
    act of drawing breath

INSTABI’LITY, s. inconstancy; fickleness

I’NSTANT, a. instant is such a part of duration wherein we perceive
    no succession; present or current month

I’NSTANTLY, ad. immediately

I’NSTINCT, s. natural desire or aversion; natural tendency

INSTITU’TION, s. establishment; settlement; positive law

INSTRU’CT, v.a. teach; form by precept; form authoritatively; educate;
    model; form

INSTRU’CTION, s. the act of teaching; information

INSUFFI’CIENT, a. inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; unfit

INTE’GRITY, s. honesty; straightforwardness; uprightness

INTELLE’CTUAL, a. relating to the understanding; mental; transacted by
    the understanding

INTE’LLIGENCE, s. commerce of information; spirit; understanding

INTE’LLIGIBLE, a. possible to be understood

INTE’MPERANCE, s. the act of overdoing something

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.