The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

GRA’VITY, s. weight; tendency to the centre; seriousness; solemnity

GROTE’SQUE, a. distorted of figure; unnatural

GUARD, s. part of the hilt of a sword; a man or body of men whose
    business is to watch

GUIDE, s. director; regulator

HABITATION, s. place of abode; dwelling

HABI’TUALLY, ad. customarily; by habit

HA’GGARD, a. deformed; ugly

HARA’NGUE, v.n. make a speech

HA’RMONIZE, v.a. to adjust in fit proportion

HARPO’ON, s. a bearded dart, with a line fastened to the handle, with
    which whales are struck and caught

HA’ZARDOUS, a. perilous, dangerous

HE’AVY, a. weighty; burdened; depressed

HE’RALDRY, s. the art or office of a herald; registers of genealogies

HE’RBAGE, s. grass; pasture; herbs collectively

HERBI’VOROUS, a. that eats herbs

HERE’DITARY, a. possessed or claimed by right of inheritance;
    descending by inheritance

HE’RETIC, s. one who propagates his private opinions in opposition to
    the Catholic Church

HE’YDAY, s. frolic; wildness

HI’DEOUS, a. frightful; ugly

HIPPOPO’TAMUS, s. a large animal—­the river horse

HISTO’RIAN, s. a writer of facts and events

HISTO’RICAL, a. that which relates to history

HI’STORY, s. narration; the knowledge of facts and events

HO’LLOW, a. excavated; not solid; not sound

HO’NEY, s. a sweet substance produced by bees

HO’NOUR, s. dignity; fame; reputation; glory

HO’RIZON, s. the line that terminates the view

HO’SPITABLE, a. giving entertainment to strangers; kind to strangers

HO’TTENTO’T, s. a native of the south of Africa

HOWE’VER, ad. in whatsoever manner; at all events; happen what will;

HOWI’TZER, s. a kind of bomb

HU’MAN, a. having the qualities of a man; belonging to man

HUMA’NITY, s. the nature of man; benevolence

HU’MBLE, a. not proud; modest; low

HU’MID, a. wet; moist; watery

HUMI’LITY, s. freedom from pride; modesty

HU’NDRED, s. a company or body consisting of a hundred.

HU’RRICANE, s. a blast; a tempest

HYDRAU’LIC, a. relating to the conveyance of water through pipes

HY’DROGEN, s. a gas, one of the component parts of the atmosphere

I’CEBERG, s. a hill of ice; a moving island of ice

I’CICLE, s. a pendent shoot of ice

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.