The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

DI’AL, s. a plate marked with lines, where a hand or shadow shows the

DI’ALECT, s. subdivision of a language; style; manner of expression

DI’ALOGUE, s. a discussion between two persons

DIA’METER, s. the straight line which, passing through the centre of a
    circle, divides it into two equal parts

DI’AMOND, s. the most valuable and hardest of all the gems; a

DI’FFER, v.n. be distinguished from; contend; be of a contrary opinion

DI’FFERENT, a. distinct; unlike; dissimilar

DIFFICULTY, s. hardness; something hard to accomplish; distress;
    perplexity in affairs

DI’GNITY, s. rank of elevation; grandeur of mien; high place

DILA’TE, v n. widen; grow wide; speak largely

DI’LIGENCE, s. industry; assiduity

DIMI’NISH, v.a. to make less

DIMI’NUTIVE, a. small; narrow; contracted

DIRE’CT, v.a. aim at a straight line; regulate; order; command;
    adjust; mark out a certain course

DIRE’CTION, s. tendency of motion impressed by a certain impulse;
    order; command; prescription

DIRE’CTLY, ad. immediately; apparently; in a straight line

DISAGRE’EABLE, a. unpleasing; offensive

DISA’STROUS, a. calamitous

DISCI’PLE, s. a scholar; one that professes to receive instruction
    from another

DISCIPLINE, s. education; the art of cultivating the mind; a state of

DISCONCE’RT, v.a. unsettle the mind; discompose

DISCOU’RAGE, v.a. depress; deprive of confidence

DISCO’VER, v.a. disclose; bring to light; find out

DISCO’VERY, s. the act of finding anything hidden

DISCRI’MINATION, s. the state of being distinguished from other
    persons or things; the mark of distinction

DISHO’NOUR, s. reproach; disgrace; ignominy

DISLO’DGE, v.a. to go to another place; to drive or remove from a

DISMA’NTLE, v.a. strip; deprive of a dress; strip a town of its
    outworks; loose

DISMA’Y, s. fall of courage; desertion of mind

DISOBE’DIENCE, s. the act of disobeying; inattention to the words of
    those who have right to command

DISO’RDER, s. irregularity; tumult; sickness

DISPA’RAGEMENT, s. reproach; disgrace; indignity

DISPLA’Y, v.a. exhibit; talk without restraint

DISPOSI’TION, s. order; method; temper of mind

DISQUI’ETUDE, s. uneasiness

DI’SREGARD, v.a. to slight; to neglect

DI’SSIPATE, v.a. scatter every way; disperse; scatter the attention

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.