The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

ASSISTANT, s. a helper

ASSI’ZE, s. a jury; any court of justice; the ordinance or statute

ASSO’CIATE, s. a partner; a confederate; a companion

ASSU’RE, v.a. give confidence by a firm promise

ASTO’NISHMENT, s. amazement

ASTRO’NOMY, s. the science of the motions, distances, &c. of the stars

A’THEISM, s. the disbelief of a god

ATHE’NIAN, s. a native of Athens

A’TMOSPHERE, s. the air that encompasses the solid earth on all sides

ATRO’CIOUS, a. wicked in a high degree; enormous

ATTA’CH, v.a. arrest; fix one’s interest; win; lay hold on

ATTA’CK, v.a. to make an assault

ATTA’IN, v.a. gain; procure; reach

ATTAINMENT, s. an acquisition; an accomplishment

ATTE’MPT, v.a. venture upon; try; endeavour

ATTE’NDANT, s. one that attends; one that is present at anything

ATTENTION, s. the act of attending; the act of bending the mind upon

ATTE’NTIVE, a. regardful; full of attention

ATTI’RE, s. clothing; dress; equipment

A’TTITUDE, s. position; expression

ATTRA’CT, v.a. draw to something; allure; invite

ATTRA’CTIVE, a. having the power to draw anything; inviting

ATTRIBUTE, v.a. to ascribe; to yield as due; to impute as a cause

AU’DITOR, s. a hearer

    AURO’RA-BOREA’LIS, a. electrical light streaming in the night from
    the north; the northern lights or streamers

AUSTE’RITY, s. severity; cruelty

AUTHENTIC, a. genuine

AU’THOR, s. the first beginner or mover of anything; a writer in

AUTHO’RITY, s. power; rule; influence; support; legal power

AU’TUMN, s. the season of the year between summer and winter

AVAILABLE, a. profitable; powerful; advantageous

AVALA’NCHE, s. immense mass of snow or ice

A’VERAGE, s. a middle proportion

AVI’DITY, s. eagerness; voracity; greediness

AVO’ID, v.a. shun; shift off; quit

AWA’KE, v.a. rouse out of sleep; put into new action

AW’KWARD, a. clumsy; inelegant; unready

A’ZURE, s. blue; faint blue


BA’CCHANALS, s. the drunken feasts of Bacchus; fabulous personages who assisted at the festivals of Bacchus

BALCO’NY, s. a frame before the window of a room

BALLO’ON, s. a large hollow ball of silk, filled with gas, which makes
    it rise in the air

BA’NDIT, s. a man outlawed

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.