Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“I sho do no dar is ghosts, I seed one oncet hit was a man wid no head on standin in my house and pullin the crammin out of de house and puttin hit on de table.  Oooh I no’s dat is so cause I seed hit wid my own eyes.

“My Mammy had a woman dat lived wid us and she died, and sometimes afterwards, she called me and I looked in de room and dis woman was sitting on de side of de bed and wen i spoke to her she slowly ris up and went thru a crack about two inches wide. now dats a fak!

“Humph, no I’se not gwine ter go near no hainted house, much less stay in one.  I’se scairt.

“Hee, hee, sho you can find things by spitting in yer han and de way the spit goes if youse will go dar you will be sho to find hit.

“Aint got no time for fortune tellers, don believe in dem, day don’t do nuthin.

“Wen de moon changes if youse see hit thru de bresh you sho will have bad luck, but if youse sees hit and nuthin to hinder youse from lookin at hit straight and make a wish it who will come true.  I’se no’s cause my son was way down South an I woant to seed him and I looks at de moon and hit was changing and I wished de would come home and looked up de road and “Lawd daw he were.

“Youse plants de pertatoes by de moon.  Irish pertatoes planted on de light of de moon will go ter vine and der neber will be a tater on de vine.  If youse plant dem by de dark of de moon yourall’s pertatoes will be plentiful.

“If youse maks soap it must be made by de light of de moon or de soap will all turn to grease.

“If youse sneeze wen you eats you will shorely die.

“If youse see a blue gummed negro be shore one don bite you foh dey are shore pizenous.

“If youse have yer year to ring, sho sing of death.

“Move on Friday, “Good Lawd No”, youse would sho have bad luck.

“One tru sign of death, if a dog howls at midnight, you will sho to die.  If you dreams of you teeth falling out is a tru sign of death and if youse dreams of a marriage is nuther tru sign of death.

“If I dream of a naked purson I’se is sho to die.  No cat mus come in wen dar is a ded body for de cat will sho eat de body.

“If a cat crosses youse path to de left some kind of bad luck is sho to overtake on yer journey.

“If a peckerwood pecks on de roof of youse house you will sho lose some member of youse family.  Dey is pizen.

“No I’se jes ter scairt ter go whar day call up Spirits.”

Tale of Mary Wooldridge:  (Clarksville Pike—­Age about 103.)

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.