The Story of Ireland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about The Story of Ireland.

The Story of Ireland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about The Story of Ireland.

Mac-an-Earlas, sons of Clanricarde, 191
Macarthy, Colonel, 288
McCarthy, Dermot, 90
Maccumacthenius, St. Patrick’s chronicler, 34
Magan, betrayer of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, 361
Maguire, Lord, 241
Mahon, King of Munster, 61
Malachy or Melachlin, Ard-Reagh, 52
Malby, Sir Nicolas, governor of Connaught, 187
Mananan MacLir, Legend of Gilla Dacker, 17
Marshall, William, Earl of Pembroke, 103
Maryborough anciently Campa, 162
Mary, Queen of England, 163;
  her death, 164
Maynooth, castle of, 102
Mayo, Lord, 267
Mayo mountains, 8
Maxwell, Colonel, 362
McGeoghehan, Abbe, historian, 1
McGillapatrick, Lord of Upper Ossory, 168
McHugh, 191
McMahon, Hugh, chief of Monaghan, 192
McMurrough, Dermot, King of Leinster, 83, 241
McMurrough, son of Dermot, 83
McToole, Sir Owen, 197
McWilliam, Burke of Galway, 154

McWilliam Eighter, and McWilliam Oughter, the Nether
  and Further Burkes, 111
McWilliam of Clanricarde, 142
Meagher, 391
Meath, plains of, 8
Mila de Cogan, Norman governor of Dublin, 87
Milcho chieftain, 3
Milesians or Scoti, 9, 10
Mitchell, John, 391
Molyneux, Thomas, Dr., 311
Molyneux, William, the “Ingenious Molyneux,” 311
Montalembert, M. de, 40
Montmorency, Henry de, 85
Mortimer, Roger, viceroy, 110
Mountgarret, Lord, 249
Mountjoy, Charles Blount, 211;
  his character, 211;
  establishes military stations, 213;
  defeats by starvation, 213;
  defeats Tyrone and the Spanish fleet, 216
Moytura, pre-historic battle of the southern, 7
Muckern, or Mulkearn noi, 187
Mullingar, town of, 292
Munroe, General, 255
Murhertach, house of, 74
Murphy, Father John, 362
Murphy, Father Michael, 304


Nation, The, newspaper, 390
Neil Grey, 167
Newtown Butler, battle of, 288
Norris, General Sir Henry, 206
Norris, Sir Thomas, 194
Norsmen, or Northmen, or Danes, 7, 53-56

Northern Star, newspaper, 358 Nuad, King of the Tuatha-da-Danaans, 7-9


“Oakboys,” Society of the, 345
O’Brian, Prince of Thomond, 90
O’Brien, race of, 60
O’Brien, Smith, 391
O’Brien, the Fenian, 406
O’Byrnes, 128
O’Carrol of Argial, 91
O’Connell, Daniel, makes his first speech, 379;
  his energy, 379;
  sets on foot the Irish Catholic Association, 379;
  carries Catholic rent, 380;
  contests the county of Clare, 381;
  his character, 382;
  his efforts to procure repeal, 385;
  his enmity to secret societies, 385;
  founds the Loyal National Repeal Association, 386;
  his prosecution, 387;
  found guilty and imprisoned, 387;
  his last appearance and death, 389
O’Connell, John, 391
O’Connor, Roderick, the Ard-Reagh, 75, 84-91

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Ireland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.