Gardening for the Million eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Gardening for the Million.

Gardening for the Million eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 262 pages of information about Gardening for the Million.

Kaulfussia.—­Sow this pretty hardy annual in April in the open border, or in March in slight heat.  It may also be sown in autumn for early flowering.  It will succeed in any light soil, blooming in July.  Height, 6 in.

Kennedya Marryattae.—­A greenhouse evergreen twining plant of a very beautiful order, which thrives best in a compost of sandy loam and peat.  Cuttings of the young wood planted in sand, and having a bottom-heat, will strike.  It produces its flowers in May.  Height, 4 ft.  Other varieties of Kennedyas range from 2 to 10 ft.  They all need to be well drained and not to stand too near the pipes.

Kerria (Corchorus).—­Beautiful hardy shrubs, which may be grown in any garden soil, and can be propagated by cuttings of the young wood, taken at a joint, and placed under glass.  They flower at midsummer.  Height, 4 ft.

Koelreuteria Paniculata.—­This is an ornamental tree bearing long spikes of yellow flowers in July.  It will grow in any soil, but requires a sheltered position, and may be increased by layers or root cuttings.  Height, 10 ft.

Kohl Rabi (Turnip-rooted Cabbage).—­Though mostly grown as a farm crop, this vegetable is strongly recommended for garden cultivation, as it is both productive and nutritious, and is delicious when cooked while still very small and young.  Sow in March, and transplant to deeply-dug and liberally manured ground, at a distance of 15 in. from each other.


Lachenalia. (Cape Cowslips).—­Charming greenhouse plants for pot or basket culture.  Pot in December in a compost of fibrous loam, leaf-mould, and sand; place as near the glass as possible, and never allow the soil to become dry, but maintain good drainage, and only give a little water till they have produced their second leaves.  No more heat is required than will keep out the frost.

Lactuca Sonchifolia. (Sow Thistle-Leaved Lettuce).—­An ornamental, but not handsome, hardy perennial, with leaves 1 ft. in length and 9 in. in breadth.  It is of neat habit and enjoys the sunshine.  A deeply-dug, sandy loam suits it, and it may be increased by seed or division of the roots.  The flowers are produced from September till frost sets in.  Height, 2 ft.

Ladies’ Slipper Orchid.—­See “Cypripedium.”

Lady’s Mantle.—­See “Alchemilla.”

Lagurus Ovatus.—­This hardy annual is commonly known as Hare’s-Tail Grass.  It is distinctly ornamental, producing elegant egg-shaped tufts of a silvery-white hue, and is fine for ornamenting bouquets.  Sow in March, and keep the ground moist till the seed germinates.  Height, 1 ft.

Lallemantia Canescens.—­Bees are very fond of this blue hardy annual, which may readily be grown from seed sown in the spring.  Height, 1 ft.

Lamium.—­These plants are mostly of a hardy herbaceous description and of little value.  They will grow well in any kind of soil, flowering from March to July, according to their varieties, and can be propagated by seed or division.  Height, 6 in. to 1 ft.

Project Gutenberg
Gardening for the Million from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.