Radio Boys Cronies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Radio Boys Cronies.

Radio Boys Cronies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Radio Boys Cronies.

“I move we go into executive session!” shouted Walt Maynard.

“Sure, and the president of the class can call a meeting,” said Terry Watkins.

“It’s up to you then, Billy,” Cora agreed.

“I call it.  Come to order and dispense with the minutes, Miss Secretary,” Billy grinned at Dot.  “Motion in order to send a committee to inform all the girls’ parents.”

“I make that motion,” said Bert.

“Second it.  The boys’ parents can get wise by radio,” asserted Ted.

“Bert and Ted appointed.  Get out and get busy!” Bill was no joke as an executive.  “Here’s Gus.  Did you get Mrs. Hooper?”

“I sure did.  Mr. Hooper got home an hour ago.”

“Glory!” Grace, you’re driving your little runabout?  I appoint Grace and Mary a committee to go and get Mr. and Mrs. Hooper here right off.  No objections?  Don’t fail, Grace, or we’ll send the entire bunch.”

“We’ll fetch him,” laughed Grace as she and Mary hurried out.

“Now then, everybody else, including the chair, is appointed a committee to bring in every boy and girl in the town who will come.  Work fast!  I wonder if we could promise some eats.”  Bill glanced at Terry.

“Yes; tell them there’ll be refreshments!” shouted the rich boy.  “It’ll be my treat.  Bill, make me a committee of one to hive the grub.  Cakes, candy, bananas and ice cream; eh?”

“Done!” declared Bill.  “Go to it, with the class’s blessing!”

“Yes and Heaven’s best on Terry Watkins,” said Cora.

In a moment the hall was empty.  Twenty minutes later the Hooper party arrived and about three minutes thereafter who should appear but Professor Gray, hurried, eager, registering disappointment when he saw the empty room, then smiling as the Hoopers and Mary Dean came to greet him.

“I had hoped to find my class here,” he began and was interrupted by the thump of Bill’s crutch on the steps without.  Forgetting his support the boy leaped, rather than limped, forward, followed more sedately by several lads and lasses he had rounded up.

“If this isn’t the best thing that ever happened!” shouted Bill, grasping the hands of the two men held out to him.  “Both of you!  And you, too, Mrs. Hooper.  Great!  Just got back, Professor!  And now we’re going to get the very thing we talked about, Mr. Hooper:  we’re going to hear Mr. Edison’s voice or that of his right-hand man, nearly three hundred miles away.  The rest of the bunch will be here in a minute.  I expect Gus and Ted and Cora to fetch in a few dozen besides.  Hello, here’s Terry with the eats.”



“This quite overcomes me,” said Professor Gray to Mr. Hooper.  “I hurried back to invite some of my pupils to hear a message from Mr. Edison’s laboratory; but trust Bill to do the thing in a monumental fashion!”

Project Gutenberg
Radio Boys Cronies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.