International Finance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about International Finance.

International Finance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about International Finance.

CANADA lends to England, 73
Capital, bad effects of export of, 164;
  difficulty of controlling, 166, 171;
  definition of, 4, 17;
  function of, 3 seq.;
  how acquired, 16;
  plenty of, advantageous to workers, 19, 20;
  reward of, 2 seq
Charles II, dukedoms founded by. 14,15
China and international finance, 106
Cobbett on national prosperity, 159
Colonial investments, advantages possessed by, 166
Companies’ securities, classes of, 57; issue of, 55
Coupons, description of, 54
Crammond, Mr., on financiers and peace, 93
Cumulative, preference, 59;
  sinking fund, 52

DEBENTURE stocks, 57 Discount, market rate of, 38

EGYPT and finance, 98 seq.

“FENN on the Funds,” on diplomacy and finance, 106
Finance and industry, 75, 76, 131;
  as peace-missionary, 90 seq.;
  benefits of, 83 seq.;
  defined, 1;
  dependent on industry, 28, 29, 40;
  effects of war on, 92, 93
Foreign Office and finance, 105, seq
France, loan issuing in, 47
Freights, effect of war on, 162

GEOGRAPHICAL distribution, investment by, 24, 25
German finance and diplomacy, 107
German industry helped by English finance, 85
Governments, borrowing by, 43 seq.

HONDURAS loans, Select Committee’s report on, 116 seq.

“INCOME,” Dr. Nearing on, 7
Industry the foundation of finance, 28, 29
Inherited wealth, 11 seq
Interest, the price of capital, 2, 3
Interest claims, as article of export, 80, 81
Issuing houses, responsibilities of, 137 seq.

JEWS and finance, 111 seq.  Journalism in the City, 49, 50

KINGLAKE on Egypt, 100; on Jews of Smyrna, 112

LIMITED liability, system of, 68
Loans, issue of, 45 seq
London, strength of, in credit matters, 30

MEXICO, revolution and default in, 71
Morocco crisis and financiers, 93
Municipalities, borrowing by, 45

NEARING, DR., on capital’s reward, 7, 8 New York as financial centre, 30

PHILIP II repudiates debts, 67
Preference securities, 57, 59
Profit, distinguished from interest, 56;
  the reward of capital, 2, 3
Prospectuses, fuller statement desirable in, 173;
  terms of, 49 seq., 51
Public, the, the modern dispenser of wealth, 15 seq.

REGISTERED stocks, 55 Risk, inseparable from industry, 23

SINKING Fund, working of, 52
Snowden, Mr. Philip, on finance and diplomacy, 90, 91
South African War and finance, 102, 103
Specialization, dangers and evils of, 153 seq
State, as saver of capital, 21
Stock Exchange, as regulator of new issues, 169, 170;
  effect of war on, 95;
  securities dealt in on, 42 seq
Stock markets, fluctuations of, 61, 62;
  international relations of, 62

Project Gutenberg
International Finance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.