Forty Years in South China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Forty Years in South China.

Forty Years in South China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Forty Years in South China.
convert here is exposed.  Besides, they are seldom called to suffer much temporal loss for the sake of Christ, but it is very different with him.  If he belong to the literary class, he must give up all hope of preferment.  If he be in the employ of the government, he may expect to be deprived of his employment, if indeed he be not compelled to give it up from conscientious motives.  If he be a shopkeeper, his observance of the Lord’s day will probably deprive him of many of his customers, and if he be in the employ of others the same reason will render it very difficult for him to retain his situation.”


April 6, 1852.  To his brother, Goyn.

“I promised to give some account of the young man who was baptized on the Sabbath before the last.  His name is Khi (pronounced like the letter ‘X’ of the Greek alphabet).  Early last year I noticed a young man who began to be quite regular in attending service at my chapel.  I inquired of him where he lived and why he came.  He said he was employed in burning lime at a lime-kiln not far off from my house.  That I had met him in the street and invited him to come to the chapel.  Of this I remembered nothing, but I often thus invite persons to come and hear the Gospel.  He said he came in consequence of that invitation.  But having heard the doctrine, he found it to be good, and had embraced it.  This man has since been baptized.  I soon learned that he had been persuading his fellow-workmen to come along with him.  One of these workmen was Khi.  He soon determined to obey the doctrines of the Scriptures.  One of these doctrines brought him into immediate collision with his employer.  This doctrine was, ’Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’  He refused to work on the Sabbath day.  His employer told him if he did not work he would discharge him.  Khi was not to be moved from his determination and was finally dismissed.  After a few ineffectual efforts to get employment, he returned to visit his father’s family; They reside a day’s journey from Amoy.  While home he was taken ill.  It was two or three months before he returned again to Amoy.  When he came back I conversed with him concerning his conduct while away.  He had as yet but little knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible.  But I was much gratified at the simplicity of piety which his narration manifested.  He had not only endeavored to serve God himself, but had endeavored to persuade others also to turn unto God.  After his return, all his efforts to get employment failed.  I spoke to a mason who has done much work for us, and who employs many workmen, and requested him to employ Khi for the carrying of bricks and mortar and such work, if he had an opening for him.  He consented to do so and employed him for a short time.  But Khi’s fellow workmen did not like his religion and succeeded in getting him discharged.  In consequence of the dampness of the climate, it is not safe for

Project Gutenberg
Forty Years in South China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.