A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America.

A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 208 pages of information about A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America.

The Mexican secretary of state, Don Lucas Alaman, in a very able and elaborate report made to Congress, sets forth the ambitious designs of the American government, and the proceedings of its agents with regard to this province.  He also recommends salutary measures for the purpose of retaining possession and preventing further encroachments; which the Congress seems to have taken into serious consideration, as very important resolutions have been adopted.  The Congress has decreed, that hereafter the Texas is to be governed as a colony; and, except by special commission of the Governor, the immigration of persons from the United States, is strictly forbidden.  So much at present for the efforts of the Americans to get possession of the Texas; and if the British government be alive to the interests of the nation, they never shall;—­for, entertaining the hostile feelings that they do towards the British empire, their closer connexion with the West Indies would certainly not be desirable.


[9] A “big bug,” is a great man, in the phraseology of the western country.

[10] In the Indian tongue, Meschacebe—­“old father of waters.”

[11] I have been informed by a gentleman who has resided in the English West Indian Islands, that he has known instances there of highly educated white women, young and unmarried, making black mothers suckle puppy lap-dogs for them.

[12] Previous to my leaving America, a most extensive and well-organised conspiracy was discovered at Charleston, and several of the conspirators were executed.  The whole black population of that town were to have risen on a certain day, and put their oppressors to death.


Extract from “The Liberal” of 19th March, 1830:—­

    “Constitution des Etats unis.

    “Art. 1 er. des Amendments.

    “Le Congres n’aura pas le droit de faire aucune loi pour abreger
    la liberte de la parole ou de la presse, &c.

    “Constitution de L’Etat de la Louisiane.

    “Art. 6, v. 21.

    “La presse sera libre a tous ceux qui entreprendront d’examiner les
    procedures de la legislature ou aucune branche du gouvernement; et
    aucune loi sera jamais faite pour abreger ses droits, &c.

    “Loi faite par la legislature de l’Etat de la Louisiane.

    “Acte pour punir les crime y mentiones et pour d’autre objets.

“Sect. 1ere.  Il et decrete, &c.  Que quiconque ecrira, imprimera, publiera, ou repandra toute piece ayant une tendance a produire du mecontentement parmi la population de couleur libre, ou de l’insubordination parmi les esclaves de cet Etat, sera sur conviction du fait, pardevant toute cour de juridiction competante condamne a l’emprisonnement aux travaux forces pour la vie ou a la peine de mort, a la discretion de la cour!!!!
Project Gutenberg
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.